40 Reasons NOT To Get The Vaccine
Imagine if you will, a virus SO deadly you have to be tested to see if you even have it….and a 99.9% survival rate if you do get it. And a vaccine so good for you, they have to bribe and force people to take it! You’re now entering….The Twilight Zone! It would be funny, except we’re living it.
We love you tremendously and wish ONLY for your good health and CONTINUED well-being.
It would break our hearts if that were to change because of a side effect of a ‘vaccine’ shot for a virus with a 99.9x% recovery rate.
For your age group theres a 0.0x% chance of dying. If you caught it, you would naturally beat it with zero human/medical intervention.
I know people who have caught Covid and survived with no complications. They just said it was like a body-flu.
Some of your most loved ones will NOT be taking this vaccine under ANY circumstances.
A ‘Corona’ virus is in the common cold/flu family and has been around for hundreds/thousands of years.
There have been ZERO flu cases in this state in 2021 thus far, and thus ZERO flu deaths for the first time in history. Where’d they go?
There are common vitamins such as Vitamin C, D, and E, plus Zinc that have wonderful results in warding off the common Coronavirus without the risks and unknowns of a vaccine. Plus there are well-established drugs like Hydrochloroquine, which has made the Top 10 list of SAFEST DRUGS for 70+ years now.
Our government does NOT have your best interest in mind and they don’t care about your safety, health, or well-being no matter what their words might say.
This pandemic was NEVER about the safety of citizens around the globe. It is about compliance, control and power to usher in the Great Reset and the Globalist-Elites continued pursuit of their New World Order.
If you were to get this ‘vaccine’ they will STILL require you to wear a mask and social distance, despite the fact that others have also been ‘vaccinated’ because again, this has NOTHING to do with the virus.
Previously respected agencies are now running entirely on political agendas instead of basic scientific fact. The CDC (Center for Disease control) and WHO (World Health Organization) are both PRIVATE companies and NOT part of any government organization. And guess who largely funds them…? Bill Gates, among other ill-intentioned billionaires/trillionaires…
On the official CDC website, to keep the historical statistics accurate, a couple months ago they ‘updated’ their (fake) 2020 Covid death statistics to include only deaths that were caused FROM Covid, rather than dying WITH Covid (death was caused from something else), which lowered the covid death count by 92%!! Meaning the Covid death count is hundreds of thousands off. But the media didn’t bother pointing that out and still continue to push the fake Covid death count.
The ‘vaccine’ is not actually a vaccine as it does not provide immunity. It contains no live virus like other shots do. It’s a medical injection. And you do not need a medical injection for a medical illness you don’t have.
The injection is not guaranteed to protect you from contracting Covid. Many folks who’ve received it have still contracted Covid.
Assuming the shot actually works, the presumed benefits are minimal and would not last long in any case. However, the negatives can hang around for a lifetime. They are already talking about yearly shots and additional shots for the ever-increasing number of new variants and of new ‘vaccines’.
A vaccine that hasn’t been proven safe can do irreparable damage to those who opt to be inoculated. A ‘vaccine’ that DOESN’T work could likely do more to spread Covid-19 than having no vaccine at all.
This group of ‘vaccines’ are the fastest to ever be released to the public. Only 10-12 months vs 5+ years in trials!
The vaccine manufacturers have listed the potential dangerous side effects from their Stage 3 trials, of which 91% of folks experienced basic side effects that lasted up to 6 days including injection site pain, swelling, redness, itching, rashes, hives, heart palpitations, headaches, muscle soreness, nausea, fever, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, and respiratory symptoms, while others experienced much more severe reactions, including allergic reactions, Anaphylaxis, Bells Pallsy, paralysis, blood clots, pulmonary embolisms, and rare blood disorders like acute immune thrombocytopenia (deep vein thrombosis). They state that if patients have an allergic reactions to the first shot they should NOT received the second shot.