Please Lord, rid the world of this and all of its counterparts. We beg of you.
I am pissed because these were reduced 90% over the last two years and now they are coming back. Lots of spraying over Ohio for 3 days. Guess the US participation in the “climate accord” is back in full swing.
Did we ever figure out why these two were on that boat? Was it fake or do I add it to my library of unbelievable shit that makes me sick?
Is this dude the puppeteer? Biden’s brain is mush. Harris still seems to be a low level politician,
County or City level responsibility. What the heck is going on?
Library is getting full. No wonder presidents need to build one after the term/s.
Is this sub human still in politics? Didn’t he have something to do with a hotel, helicopter, ……
Can’t wait to find out what spooked this asshole. Probably won’t find out this time around, but I will eventually, and I will cherish the answer.
Close, but that lady is currently burning so hot right now that her ashes would be too hot to handle.
You know what you call 20,000 black ladies flying around at Noon? Night.
Has anyone looked at the TV (get your shot) or listened to the radio (get your shot) the last few days? Insanity in its purest form.
I promised Trump I would give him everything I have and will ever have in the future if he would make things right, expose the negative and shine the Light for all to see. I have prepared for a 100% loss because he has done so.
In the garage, why are flys drawn to and land on the mobile phones camera/microphone/speaker hole?
Lockheed DFW. Sold them tube pressure testers to show the pilots the shit they were spraying could not leak into the cockpit.
Nope, bleach clean wiped every day. They are attracted by something other than that.