Former President of the Philippines saved by a proven safe drug made by a small non-Big Pharma American company based in Vancouver WA. The drug is Leronlimab and is the experimental drug Charlie Sheen has taken for years for his HIV. It's been tested on over 800 HIV patients for a number of years with zero side-effects. That's right, ZERO SIDE EFFECTS.
Leronlimab just completed successful Phase 3 trails with the US FDA but is being slow-walked by Janet Woodcock and her Big Pharma ass-kissing cronies. They can't have a small pharma company come in and stop covid, make vaccines unnecessary, and box out their Big Pharma buddies.
Here's a vetted link to the FB page of the son of the former Philippines president confirming that he was given Leronlimab and is now off ventilation and recovering.
Janet Woodcock and the rest of the criminals at the FDA should be charged with mass murder and executed.