Okay anons, I watched all 6 episodes of "Into The Storm" and I am going to give Mr. Hoback an 8 on the job he did. Shitposting expected. Have at it.
There were some things that were either not explored further and should have been or were left as simple insinuation and conjecture. Wrong conjecture at that. One example was right in the first episode when Hoback stated that "The Storm" was promised to anons by Q and he portrayed this "Storm" as what happened on January 6th at the US Capital. Absolute bullshit. Q promise no such thing. Another would be that Q was banned off of Reddit. We all know that Q never dropped on Reddit. The Great Awakening" was banned but that was many of us anons. Not Q. There were a few other things but overall I have to give Mr. Hoback his due. Unlike those msdnc copycats over at Vice, Bayan and Marly, I think Mr. Hoback took this journey into Qdom serious. I disagree with his end conclusion that Ron is Q. While sometimes touching on Q proofs like the pen, watch etc…….. Mr. Hoback could easily dig and find that with Q proofs, it would have been been an impossibility for Ron Watkins to have been anywhere near Washington DC, White House, Oval Office, JBA, AF1, Marine 1, the Beast, Trump rallies and so on. Ron ain't fucking Q and neither is Jim. The pondering of Bannon being Q was interesting but again, the proofs. After Bannon left as Trump's Sr. Advisor was he ever seen again in the above situations. He left in August of 2017. The Q op started in October of 2017 and going forward, was Bannon ever again with Trump on AF1, the rallies, the White House, Oval Office, North Korea etc…….. I don't think so but if anons know differently then sauce it please. I could be wrong.
One anon posted the other day that it was a personality profile mostly about Jim, Ron, Freddie, and others and there was certainly a considerable amount of time given to these main characters. I'm glad Hoback did this. All three are some pretty eccentric, strange damn people and it was educating and amusing at times to learn about them. Plus delving into what transpired between Jim and Freddie with 8chan, the falling out between the two and what ensued afterwards. The fucking drama that Freddie caused to his detriment, necessitating him having to flee the Philippines to avoid an indictment all because he didn't want to be associated with the board after the mass shootings with those insane motherfuckers dropping their shitpost there. I can't blame him but all he had to say is it ain't mine anymore and I don't have anything to do with it. Finish. Instead he goes on a rampage to smear all. Youthful idiocy and he suffered the consequences of these stupid decisions.
All in all, I think Mr. Hoback did a pretty fair job at "investigating and reporting" instead of making it all up and painting the op as some wild eyed, extreme, right winged, tinfoil hat conspiracy prank on the internet with a msdnc agenda to lie and misinform people about the Q phenomenon. It was worth the time to watch. Want to thank the anon who posted the link to see all of these episodes online as I don't have HBO. Here is the link: https://www3.bflix.to/series/q-into-the-storm-v96m6/oo9kwny
To you sir,