POS Fauci continually spitballs shit he pulls out of his ass, makes no sense whatsover, and he's the so-called "Expert," on Covid 19. I suppose he is an expert, to the extent that he is complicit in the development and distribution of the virus. Fauci should be added to the list of those who have committed mass genocide (Crimes against Humanity), prosecuted, and executed uoon his conviction. It is fitting that he be executed by Lethal Injection, possibly by just giving him what I call the Corona Virus Death Jab. STOP calling it a vaccine, because it is a genetic manipulator, and the term "Vaccine" is a creation of the Mockingbird Media
Pure, 100%, unadulterated Bullshit (Cred to George Carlin):
>>>It can be confusing because you may see a lag and a delay because often, you have to wait a few weeks before you see the effect of what you’re doing right now,” Fauci said during a Tuesday appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.,<<<