Anonymous ID: 65ac7c April 23, 2021, 2:54 p.m. No.13497322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7385 >>7408 >>7425 >>7478 >>7509 >>7685 >>7757 >>7799 >>7861 >>7898 >>7955 >>7971 >>8018

Most of the 300-plus people charged with participating in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot have been released while they await trial, but dozens of those deemed to be dangerous, flight risks or at high risk of obstructing justice were ordered held without bond. D.C. jail officials later determined that all Capitol detainees would be placed in so-called restrictive housing — a move billed as necessary to keep the defendants safe, as well as guards and other inmates. But that means 23-hour-a-day isolation for the accused, even before their trials begin.

“Solitary confinement is a form of punishment that is cruel and psychologically damaging,” Warren said in an interview. “And we’re talking about people who haven’t been convicted of anything yet.”

The Massachusetts Democrat, a member of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's leadership team, said that while some limited uses of solitary confinement are justified, she’s worried that law enforcement officials are deploying it to “punish” the Jan. 6 defendants or to “break them so that they will cooperate.”

Her sentiments are shared by Durbin, who also chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee and expressed surprise that all of the detained Jan. 6 defendants were being kept in so-called “restrictive housing.” While their defense of accused rioters' rights as criminal defendants is unlikely to change the Justice Department's handling of those cases, it's a notable case of prominent progressives using their political clout to amplify their criminal justice reform calls even on behalf of Donald Trump supporters who besieged the entire legislative branch in January.

Anonymous ID: 65ac7c April 23, 2021, 2:59 p.m. No.13497350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7385 >>7408 >>7425 >>7478 >>7509 >>7685 >>7757 >>7799 >>7861 >>7898 >>7955 >>7971 >>8018

Mr. Stutts traveled to DC to show his support for President Trump, but he wasn’t part of a planned insurrection, and he certainly never imagined he’d find himself on the steps of the Capitol building. Pressley Stutts never got past the steps of the Capitol; however, he witnessed men dressed in all black smashing windows at the Capitol building by members of the violent far-left domestic terror group, Antifa. Pressley explained that he heard women shouting, “Antifa! Antifa!” as the men dressed in black bashed out the windows of the Capitol.

His time on the steps of the Capitol building was short-lived, but the targeting of Veteran Pressley Stutts for daring to stand on the steps of the Capitol building on January 6th may follow this innocent man for the rest of his life.

This morning at 4:30 am, Stutts was again extensively searched by TSA in the Greeneville, SC airport, including a full-body search and a complete examination of his luggage. After his initial search in the security area, TSA was also waiting to search him again at the gate. This, however, was not all. Stutts had a layover in Charleston, SC, and when he arrived at his next gate, TSA was AGAIN waiting for him where they tore apart the contents of his suitcase and wiped his body with special cloths that detect bomb residue.

The man taking the video explains to the viewers, “This is a chaplain, a 30-year veteran chaplain of the military… This is every flight he gets on, every single one because he was just there [the Capitol].” Later in the video, Stutts himself addresses the camera while TSA is searching his luggage. “We do not have a free country anymore.” Says Stutts, “We do not have our constitutional rights. This is an unreasonable search… my 4th Amendment rights are being violated because I happened to go support President Trump during the January 6th rally in Washington.”

“Here we go again,” Stutts told the TSA agents who were conducting the searches. “The last time I flew, I went to Orlando; the same thing happened. Every gate I went to, I was stopped. They went through my luggage and tested me for gun powder or bomb residue.”

The TSA Agent told Pressley: “Get used to it, you’ll probably be on this list for a long time”