This "banter" is what becomes of a room that's empty. Anyone with anything to offer left a long time ago. We wait as we were told. If you can't see you're amongst 13 people, 4 bots, and an animenigger, then you have a problem. We may not do so anymore, but this is very obviously a famefag nigger. We don't condone famefaggotry. Or niggers. Nothing but pretenders are left. I'd say feel shame, but I know the majority of you here are incapable of it. Just know, that if anything comes to fruition from this, you have done nothing but hinder progress for actual contributing members. You are the reason this vaccine was developed. People are too plentiful and too stupid to be allowed to carry on in this fashion for much longer, without serious global consequences. I'd seriously reevaluate myself if I sat here posting this dribble all fucking day. There hasn't been a "notable" in months. All this animenigger does is notable news regurgitation.
no, we're not. Not like this.
Fucking nigger newfags.