Democrats Blaming Everyone But … Themselves
An old expression notes that when you point one finger at someone, there are three fingers pointing back at you. This aphorism may have originated in the Bible when Jesus said, “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”
Modern Democrats and the left embody this sentiment, quick to blame anyone and anything for problems that they largely created. They offer no thoughtful consideration of their own roles in starting the never-ending dumpster fires that they blame on their political enemies.
The psychologists call this projection, “unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don’t like about yourself and attributing them to someone else.” In the case of the left, I doubt this is unconscious; more likely, a deliberate Alinsky-style approach to winning the war of ideas, something the Republican Party remains clueless about.
The current example is the demonization of law enforcement along with calls for police departments to be abolished, as the harpies of “The Squad” demanded in response to the recent death of Daunte Wright in Minnesota.
But police defunding only affects you and me. While the Squad points a finger at us, their three fingers are pointing back at themselves, to the tune of the $32,000 they spent on private security for themselves while championing defunding the police.
Democrats tell us that law enforcement is evil, yet earlier this year Congress surrounded itself with a fortress of fences and troops. We should be on our own in a cop-less world, the message goes, but not elected officials, confiscating our money via taxes to keep themselves safe. One finger pointing out, three back at themselves.
Since Minnesota may soon be changing its nickname from the “land of 10,000 lakes” to the “land of 10,000 protests,” let’s look at who is running the show up there, in the land where cops are apparently out of control, shooting innocent black men for sport.
Minnesota has a Democrat governor, Tim Walz, who succeeded another Democrat governor, Mark Dayton. Minneapolis has had Democrat mayors since the 1960s, with one independent in the late 60s, and one Republican, who served only one day in office.
Minneapolis has a 13-member city council, 12 of whom are members of the Soviet-sounding “Democrat-Farmer-Labor Party” and one a member of the “Green” party. No Republicans.
Minneapolis police Chief Medaria Arradondo is described by Wikipedia as the “first black chief of the Minneapolis Police department” but that he is of “Colombian heritage.” Does that make him a “black Hispanic”? Perhaps he is related to George Zimmerman, whom CNN and the New York Times described as a “white Hispanic,” although his Peruvian great-grandfather was black.
The chief was appointed by Betsy Hodges, a past Minneapolis mayor, and another member of the Soviet-sounding “Democrat-Farmer-Labor Party.” From the governor on down to the police chief, everyone is a Democrat. No Republicans. No Donald Trump. No Charlottesville. No white privilege or supremacy. The Democrats, party of KKK Exalted Cyclops Senator Robert Byrd, own this free and clear.