Holohoax Tales - You wake up in the morning and they put you in a gas chamber, it's unbelievable!
Holohoax Tales - Voice told him to run from gas chamber line when guard not looking
Holohoax Tales - Cripples in the corpse ditch
Holohoax Tales - Anton shooting at Jews and ripping out earrings
Holohoax Tales - Survived the firing squad, father pushed me in the pit
Holohoax Tales - They gassed everybody in the Autobus
Holohoax Tales - Froze to death in Bavaria, Woke up in Auschwitz (just before the ovens)
Holohoax Tales - Escaped Gas Chamber by Flexing Muscles
Holohoax Tales - Shot in the shoulder for getting Water
Holohoax Tales - Singing Sister Shot
Holohoax Tales - Rose Silberberg Falls Asleep
Holohoax Tales - Saved by an Angel and a Streetcar
Holohoax Tales - Hid under mattresses then tripped over corpses searching for glasses
Holohoax Tales - Lost my shoes working on the Shit Commando
Holohoax Tales - Don't stick your head out
Holohoax Tales - Latrine Beatings and Soap made of Mother
Holohoax Tales - Foreign Objects in the Soup
Holohoax Tales - Jew soap sold in German shops after the war
Holohoax Tales - Zisblatt Swallows and Excretes Diamonds for a year