Anonymous ID: ac1ab1 May 7, 2021, 3:12 a.m. No.13604181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4196 >>4331 >>4840


I agree with you,

but I'd like to add that so many people seem to want to be ruled.

They don't understand the concept of representatives actually representing the interests of the people.

They would be better off with a good and just king.

And we know that good and just kings are hard to find.

Imo, Q is wrong when they try to make the people understand.

Too many people don''t seem to have the capability to understand.

They really need shepards.

Which is sad.

Especially for those people, who want freedom and accept responsibility for their own lives.

The elites that call those people sheep or cattle,

they know.

And they call them that for a reason.

Anonymous ID: ac1ab1 May 7, 2021, 4:25 a.m. No.13604389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4394 >>4395 >>4416


>we are so lucky to have him in the world

Fully agree.

When he announced that he would campaign for president, I first thought that this was sort of funny.

Because I only knew him as the guy from TV, a builder with a preference for golden decor and to be a "loudmouth".

But then I found it most interesting that the MSM change from ridiculing Trump to openly attacking him.

And I thought that this was interesting bc why would you attack a "ridiculous guy" (their words, not mine), when he doesn't evn has the slightest chance to win?

I understood from their behaviour that they were scared of the "TV guy"…how interesting…

Then I began listening to him, researching him and started to talk to people about him and what I found out.

People thought (and many still think) that I'm crazy for trusting (and loving) Trump.

Makes me sad that so many people are still deceived by media lies about this man.

Anonymous ID: ac1ab1 May 7, 2021, 4:35 a.m. No.13604412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4421


I told my friend, who believes (<= "believes", it's just a belief) in science that I know that I do not stem from apes, but that God made me.

My friend was absolutely shocked that I said that.

And asked me, why I believe that.

I answered that I ask him why he believes that he stems from apes.

"Because science", was the answer.

He was stunned, when I told him that the "scientists" only voted on Darwins theory and that was it.

I told him to look it up.

But I cannot show somebody, how I know that I'm God's creation and made in his image.

I just know.

And we humans are humans.

We are not animals and do not stem from animals.

Anonymous ID: ac1ab1 May 7, 2021, 5:30 a.m. No.13604594   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> ‘High-level chess’: How Biden is navigating his relationship with Mexico’s President ‘AMLO’

There is a typo:

should read:

'High-level chess'…Biden…LMAO

(fixed it for you)