Three Developments That Should Nullify Maricopa County 2020 Election and Put Supervisors in Legal Jeopardy — BEFORE THE FORENSIC AUDIT EVEN STARTED
Maricopa County Board of Supervisors
As the Maricopa County forensic audit continues three explosive developments were revealed this week that should land the County Supervisors in legal jeopardy and should nullify the fraudulent election even before the results of the forensic audit are complete.
More corrupt and suspicious acts performed by the Maricopa County election team and/or vendor have come to light.
1 — Arizona GOP Chair Dr. Kelli Ward tweeted out on Wednesday that devices that held data during the election in Maricopa County were sneaked offsite nightly. And it’s not clear who took them at this point!
This violated chain of custody regulations and is highly suspicious.
2 — The Maricopa County Election team admitted this week that they do not have ‘Admin’ access to their county’s voting machines.
Seriously? Then who does? Why did they cede this to the Dominion voting machine company? And how is this legal?
3 — And Maricopa County officials are refusing to turn over routers or router images to the election auditors. They are defying a judge’s orders.
What are they afraid of? And what are they hiding?
Via The Epoch Times.
Any one of these developments could land the Maricopa County Supervisors in hot water.
And, any one of these developments could invalidate the 2020 election in the County.
And the results of the forensic audit have yet to be announced!