Our government has been saying voting machines have no access to the Internet or outside networks for a while. Now the story is "they have Internet access, but only 'certain people' have access?"
Calling '''BULLSHIT— on these fucking liars…
I've been a network admin for about 20 years.
I want to stress that IF the voting machines were not connected to a WAN (Wide Area Network) or "Internet" there should be NO ROUTERS in the equation… period.
Therefore, by saying they don't want to share "the routers" with the auditors is the same as admitting they are connected to the freaking internet. DO not pass go, do not collect $200 dollars.
AND if there WERE routers involved, the logs would show every IP and MAC address that connected to the voting machines over time (unless those logs were purged of course) - but that doesn't eliminate the fact that the routers existed. At the very LEAST, the fact that routers existed in the voting machine equation is an admission of guilt.