came here because since Trump was elected, my wife has slowly descended into brainwash oblivion. For over four years, I tried everything to keep our marriage from falling apart. She is pro-BLM, pro marxist cult, and anti-America. There's nothing left I can do, and we are filing for divorce and I am moving out. Anyways, not a sob story, as we did not have children, but im going to miss my cats. Fortunately, I am able to afford a move to basically anywhere in the country…
I came here for some advice, as I am joining the exodus out of Commifornia. Any advice on which states are the most based? Right now, I am thinking Kentucky, South Carolina, Florida, or Texas.
Although I dont really believe my wife to be evil, I truly do believe that ignorance is the opposite of truth, and truth, is in turn Good. so….im leaving my ignorant ::cough::evil wife.