Got this in late lb…repost for the Anon who posted:
>>13661815 LB
There's a lot to unpack here, but I can relate via some personal experience and experimentation with just about all of these and have some opinions based on that experience…fwiw.
Life Extension is an excellent brand, esp. for vitamin K2 which is expensive and the only company that didn't rip me off. So, they're on my short of list of better ones. As for this Dopa-Mind, I can't say…but MAOIs in general work. Now brand's L-Dopa is a good product used in moderation. Helps some when nothing else did…just made me feel nice. L Griffonia extracts do that and I have some but drift away after a while.
The GPC would be cheaper simply as lecithin…not cheap, just much cheaper.
The PQQ, Benfotiamine, and chelated salts of magnesium didn't seem worth the money. A slug of plain old cherry Milk of Magnesia before bed does great and is cheap. The PQQ did nothing I could tell and I spend a f'n fortune on it and the benfotiamine didn't seem to work any better than thiamine despite all the hype…and expense.
Taurine is excellent. Carnosine as ALCAR is too. RLA is highly reactive, but I always take it with ALCAR when I remember, so I can't tell which is doing what, but they're doing something. kek
One thing I would recommend looking into is inorganic nitrite. Lots of very positive research esp in the last 10 years, which in the med/health space is recent. But potency and fx are sharp swords and I only recommend this if someone is a diligent researcher and methodical, careful, and accurate with dosing. A little reverses vascular damage…a little more can put one to sleep forever with methemoglobinemia. Buy those tiny little measuring spoons for 1/64, 1/32, etc… $6. Dollar for fx sodium nitrite is unbelievably effective. Do Pubmed on inorganic nitrite.
Huperzine A …idk. For the list of symptoms, basic NALT, protein, B vitamins megadosed, zinc repletion and selenium with electrolyte management will help most of those. Lithium orotate also raises NAA levels in the brain.
-Lastly, good old cheap creatine monohydrate addresses a lot on this list, but how and why would blow this wall of text up.
Good luck.