Honest mistakes are forgiven.
Thanks for your work.
Alex Jones, like many other "truthers," is a gatekeeper. They are in it for the money, and fame.
Jones has discredited himself so many times (in giant ways) that it is a testament to his marketing and PR teams genius, that anybody actually listens to him or takes him seriously.
He was a bullshit artists when he started, and he is a bullshit artist today.
Sure. He will put out a little truth here and there. That is called bait. It was what keeps people coming back to his show, day after day.
What do Corsi, Jones, Beanz, and the deep state have in common? They are all jews.
This is not difficult people.
https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2gdkQIv3kY
This clip is Alex Jones saying: "I am Jewish."
Watch it.