Then you will love reading this Q&A from one of the cabal bloodline people.
Especially this Q&A
Q. "Surely if ruling elite families exist and you're a member of one then you must be controlling global events through world governments - tell us 1 major government action from any country that going to occur in the next 5 days. I won't be surprised when you refuse to do so."
A. I am not at liberty to discuss such intimate immediate detail, and in many cases, I am not far enough up the Hierarchy to know anyway. Typically, I would receive a call a day before the enactment of a major event, just to say something along the lines of 'this part of such and such a plan will take place tomorrow, in such and such a way, do not be alarmed'.
Look at that answer. He does not mention a treaty or a new law or an executive order. He mentions the enactment of a major event as if he is talking about a scene in a movie that is being played out