Anonymous ID: c5622c Q Research General #17498: Pneumocystis Carinii b/w Aspergillus Dig Edition June 3, 2021, 11:58 a.m. No.13822238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2268

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>>13725977, >>13725979, >>13725983, >>13725989 DNS fuckery - black hats targeting 8kun via the DNS servers


>>13811371, >>13811431, >>13811669 GIGA DROP HAPPENING GET IN HERE - 3,200 pages of Fauci emails. Start digging anons / EYES ON PATRIOTS - FAUCI DOCUMENT RELEASE


>>13802689, >>13802749, >>13802702 Games operators play.. More fallout from the B bullshit

>>13792537, >>13792570, >>13792882, >>13792587, >>13792591, >>13792638, >>13792653, >>13793136, >>13793154, >>13793208 Jim confirms it was 'global volunteer' that made the 'B' post on /projectdcomms/ and not Q.

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Anonymous ID: c5622c June 3, 2021, 11:59 a.m. No.13822240   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NOTABLES are not Endorsements


>>13821472 Email confirming Fauci was aware the NIH approved gain-of-function research in February 2020 - page 3206

>>13821497 Four Arrested in Sixteen-Defendant Oath Keeper Conspiracy Case for Activities Leading to U.S. Capitol Breach

>>13821507, >>13822114 PF Reports

>>13821488 Why would Daszak be circling the wagons before the start of the pandemic?

>>13821635 Pneumocystis Carinii (pneumonia) reference in Fauci CIA files?

>>13821677 Delhi reports more than 1,000 cases of ‘black fungus’ amid shortage of drugs to treat deadly Covid-linked disease

>>13821733 Mike Lindell Presents: Absolutely 9-0

>>13821747 newsbot bun

>>13821800, >>13821995 Jarome Bell: After Fauci Email Revelations, It’s to Time Investigate ‘Virus Hunter’ Ralph Baric, ‘Gain of Function’ Research at UNC

>>13821848 US Government Officials Encouraged COVID-19 Origin Cover-Up

>>13821844 Uncovered text messages reveal new details about Hunter Biden

>>13821856 7 Questions Anthony Fauci Has Not Answered on Email Scandal, Role in Funding Coronavirus Research Abroad

>>13822037 'Brilliant and talented' Israeli intel officer who mysteriously died buried without military honours

>>13822049 Graphic of Gaertner's email that Fauci ignored: "This is how the virus was created"

>>13821994, >>13822107, >>13822113, >>13821891, >>13822145 Aspergillus Dig

>>13822224 #17497



>>13820719 Former CDC Director Robert Redfield told Vanity Fair that he received death threats from other scientists after telling CNN in March that he believes the coronavirus accidentally "escaped" from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

>>13820869 25th Infantry twit

>>13821002 Google Gets Rid Of Its Diversity Leader For Writing Jews Have ‘Insatiable Appetite For War’ In Old Blog Posts

>>13821101 President Trump’s speech to the NCGOP on Saturday night will begin at 7pm. Tune in

>>13821164 GenFlynn to PA Patriots June 3rd

>>13821406 #17496

Anonymous ID: c5622c June 3, 2021, 11:59 a.m. No.13822244   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>13815710 (PB) White House Is Planning A ‘Graceful Exit’ For Anthony Fauci After Leaked Emails

>>13819944 Kari Lake’s right-wing, F-bomb, anti-New Times rant will help her ratings

>>13819946 Fate of Michael Flynn’s Honorary Degree: Cancel Culture v. QAnon Hero — URI’s Dilemma

>>13819961 North Carolina county bans Coca-Cola machines over left-wing politics

>>13819964, >>13820102 Video of dad, daughter speaking out against critical race theory goes viral

>>13819971 Janice Dean: Gov. Cuomo's latest move begs the question, what will it take for him to leave the stage?

>>13819973 Re-Inauguration on Independence Day Trump, Princess Diana, JFK Jr.

>>13819977 Israel arrests top Hamas leader in predawn raid

>>13819983 17494 All links LB

>>13820005 “If We Do an Audit in PA – This is the Model” – Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano Speaks Out

>>13820014 Google's "Diversity Chief" Had Stated In 2007 That Jews Have An Insatiable Appetite For War And Killing

>>13820059 Can someone explain Bitcoin?

>>13820089 What Fauci's emails reveal – and what they don't

>>13820101 COVID, Ivermectin, and the Crime of the Century: DarkHorse Podcast with Pierre Kory & Bret Weinstein

>>13820155 At around 6:40 , Tucker implies that Fauci and another doctor, MAY BE UNDER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION

>>13820164 Message from Joe M

>>13820219 Chauvin seeks probation for Floyd death, state wants 30 years

>>13820229 Minnesota state lawmakers call for audit of COVID-19 death certificates

>>13820231, >>13820292, >>13820335 Very interesting Lin Wood Telegram exchange:

>>13820305 Thousands of Fauci’s emails have been made public, but is it really what it seems? Live in 2hrs.

>>13820412 Fauci Wants The US To Go Easy On China And Stop Being ‘Accusatory’ About COVID

>>13820475 "Video of Anthony Fauci announcing 'NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-Of-Function Research'

>>13820574 Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials

>>13820593 Rand Paul says Fauci lied over US-funded research in Wuhan lab and demands he is fired

>>13820614 #17495



>>13819204 Coronavirus bioweapon production method

>>13819211 Planefag suffers from overwork

>>13819344 COVID deaths were conflated with preexisting conditions to drum up narrative of "deadliness".

>>13819352 China encroaching on Malaysia's airspace. Jets deployed.

>>13819443 Satan flies a jet

>>13819492 Gates has massive reach in medical community. In constant talks with Fauci

>>13819502 Media focused on Russia while covering up for Fauci's COVID experiment.

>>13819668, >>13819717 Emerald Robinson ripping Troye a new one and calling out US Gov't response to CCP.

>>13819669 Russia leaving the dollar.

>>13819737 Fauci and HIV

>>13819853 DOJ investigating the work of Blue Star Strategies, a Democratic consulting firm linked to Hunter Biden

>>13819983 #17494

Anonymous ID: c5622c June 3, 2021, 11:59 a.m. No.13822247   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>13818355 ZH: Tesla Establishes Data Center In China, With All Data To Be Kept In China

>>13818427, >>13818369, >>13818353, >>13818437 Anons still talking about #Faucigate: The emails, "The Truth About Fauci Featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits" ...And an action figure!

>>13818371 LATimes is reporting that trading is kind of meh overall, other than AMC.. but pain is still pain in red and white letters...

>>13818376 Reuters: The Vatican has suddenly found itself in deep shit in Canada.

>>13818386 780thC: US seizes domains used by APT29 in recent USAID phishing attacks

>>13818388, >>13818690 Anons digging around: Bill Gates company to build reactor at Wyoming coal plant, Trump EO's about thorium reactors and National defense

>>13818471 TOI: Biden science adviser takes oath on 500-year-old Jewish text

>>13818524 intelnews: US government takes control of Internet domains used by SolarWinds hackers

>>13818529 Giuliani: Was Fauci lying to protect Communist China?

>>13818587 Tucker is not impressed with Fauci's criminal activites either - vid

>>13818602, >>13818611 There's some chatter circulating about Trump admins, siezed phone records, and Times reporters.

>>13818652 Redstate: Election Officials in Fulton County, Georgia Sure Act Like They Have Something to Hide

>>13818657 NL: Executive Director of Make-A-Wish Foundation Branch for Sick Children Admits Stolen Thousands of Dollars

>>13818660 dailymail: Former MI6 chief Sir Richard Dearlove says coronavirus Wuhan lab-leak theory will be difficult to prove as any evidence has likely been destroyed by China

>>13818669 Former Labor official Peter Hansen sent 'abhorrent' encrypted messages about sex with children, court told

>>13818676 AP: Talk of Trump 2024 run builds as legal pressure intensifies

>>13818685 NBC: Hillsong staffer accuses ousted pastor Carl Lentz of sexual abuse, bullying

>>13818774 Sputnik: Biden reportedly set to amend Trump ban of US investments in Chinese military companies

>>13818840 WashEx: WHO welcomes Syria, Belarus to executive board

>>13818859 GP: Desperate for Attention? CNN Anchor Eats Dead Bugs on Live Television

>>13818888 Garrison gets the quads of infinity

>>13818947 bleeping computer: FUJIFILM shuts down network after suspected ransomware attack

>>13819003 Updated dough: kitchen meta #3

>>13819065 #17493



>>13818342 "Is there no help for the widow's son."

>>13818217 Anna Rothschild Asks: Does it Really Matter that Covid Leaked From Wuhan Lab?

>>13818204 While everyone is busy with Fauci's emails, the Vatican has suddenly found itself in deep shit in Canada.

>>13818198 Notable To undo a notable

>>13818177 What's it called when the Washington Post debunks its own reporting claiming the "lab theory" was debunked –when it wasn't?

>>13818164 Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group

>>13818071 She does nothing. All she does is emote on social media, virtue signal to small dollar donors in California and New York


>>13818015 Vladimir Putin’s top adviser praises Trump as ‘modern George Washington,’ who terrifies globalists (noted again with comments)

>>13818009 Jim Jordan Launches Investigation Into Lack Of Federal Oversight Of Risky Gain-Of-Function Experiments

>>13817988 Video: 30 years ago, Dr. Robert Willner accused Anthony Fauci of Genocide. (re-noted)

>>13817938 Fauci Recode - Non-Military Redactions alternate theory, discernment advised

>>13817914 Charles Lieber (from 01/2020)

>>13817835 why is the last two digits of the date redacted? if it was 2020 they wouldn't have redacted it, guessing this was in 2019

>>13817748 World Military and Intelligence Agencies to Remove Western Civilian Governments

>>13817670 Aspergillus mold exposure can increase risk of coronavirus death

>>13817573 "From the beginning, Tony Fauci was worried that the public might conclude covid had originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology."

>>13821092 #17492 in #17496

Anonymous ID: c5622c June 3, 2021, 11:59 a.m. No.13822250   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Previously Collected Notables

>>13815947 #17489, >>13816707 #17490, >>13817432 #17491

>>13813644 #17486, >>13814483 #17487, >>13815152 #17488

>>13811321 #17483, >>13813630 #17484, >>13813021 #17485

>>13808834 317480, >>13809599 #17481, >>13811325 #17482

>>13806459 #17477, >>13807280 #17478, >>13808036 #17479

>>13804130 #17474, >>13804906 #17475, >>13805868 #17476

>>13801859 #17471, >>13802641 #17472, >>13803369 #17473

>>13799269 #17468, >>13800906 #17469, >>13801023 #17470

>>13797043 #17465, >>13797820 #17466, >>13798623 #17467

>>13794760 #17462, >>13795511 #17463, >>13796267 #17464

>>13794366 #17459, >>13793451 #17460, >>13794010 #17461

>>13794121 #17456, >>13794186 #17457, >>13794366 #17462,

>>13786848 #17553, >>13788293 #17454, >>13793855 #17455,

>>13785199 #17450\2, >>13786038 #17451, >>13785625 #17452,

>>13784474 #17449\2, >>13784477 #17449\3, >>13785198 #17450\1

>>13783681 #17448\1, >>13783684 #17448\2, >>13784472 #17449\1

>>13781326 #17445, >>13782124 #17446, >>13782126 #17447

>>13778159 #17442, >>13779670 #17443, >>13780533 #17444

>>13774563 #17439, >>13775421 #17440, >>13777909 #17441

>>13772899 #17436, >>13773837 #17437, >>13774589 #17438


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