>>1381940 (last bread)
>Stratfor HQ in Austin
>AJ lives in Austin
>Stratfor founded 1996
>AJ begins radio show in 1996
Package explosions in Austin, Texas spring 2018.
>>1381940 (last bread)
>Stratfor HQ in Austin
>AJ lives in Austin
>Stratfor founded 1996
>AJ begins radio show in 1996
Package explosions in Austin, Texas spring 2018.
GRUMPYFAG is a very active shill this morning anon who is using a vpn to switch out IDs.
Don't fall into this piss and moan trap.
This is so cool. Are you still working off the fpds.gov website or do I have you mixed up with another anon?
There's another guy who was gathering dollars spent through fpds. gov. Really interesting invoices. Much of the spending lined up with Q drops, including one clue for $22.