Anonymous ID: 005175 June 3, 2021, 7:49 p.m. No.13825656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5727 >>5865

>>13820059 Can someone explain Bitcoin? (notable in pb)

Fiat is worthless but it's used around the world, yet you condemn supposed valuelessness in blockchain currencies?

Have you read the whitepaper? Have you read the Cypherpunk Manifesto?


It isn't backed by physical currencies, but the charge is that previous stores of value like PMs don't have the ability to scale the global commerce network in a viable way. A solution to this fault was proposed: a cryptographic algorithm that rewards miners (someone who's machine performs mathematical computations) a portion of the valued asset for performing work, hence Proof of Work.

Alas, Proof of Work has its faults and the very solution is making its way on to the stage as we speak.


You aren't wrong that it has no physical backing, just like you've been told is an issue with Federal Reserve Notes. The caveat here is that FRNs proposed a solution to the coming digital age, where a return to a gold standard would inevitably see fault. To be specific, one should understand that Au nor even Ag can scale to the transaction speed or cost of transacting that the modern digital infrastructure demands. Therefore, a big gap has been left in the endeavor to fix the modern economic system:

What happens when we "fix the economy" with Precious Metals but attempt to scale it to meet the global demand of nearly instant transactions and staggering transactions per second?


You can correct commerce and fiat with Gold all you want, Silver, Palladium or Platinum even, but you will only make more obstacles if this correction forsakes the demands of modern intercontinental digital commerce infrastructure.

You will not send a bar of Au over an ocean to transact with your business partner in Sweden. You will not send a handful of Ag coins across the state to pay for your Wisconsin cheese.

Instead, you will use a digital system like we have currently, where you don't have this primitive, archaic wait and fee to do such a transaction. This time, however, the aim is to decentralize the ledger and to introduce immutable and trustless components that free us from this bullshit where we don't have custody of our funds so banks can pretend they're useful, where we don't have to deal with assholes selling or mining our data and where we don't have to ask anyone permission or pay exuberant fees for escrow services.


Blockchain has ALREADY revolutionized the world. (You) just haven't figured it out yet.

Anonymous ID: 005175 June 3, 2021, 7:55 p.m. No.13825697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5934 >>6063


Who is Barbelo?

What does "thrice-male" mean?

Molech is a Bull, a cow.

You can call that Baphomet, I guess, but its actual name is Barbelo. It's not exactly a bad or a good thing, but you've been taught to associate the ram with Cernunnos or Pan, so I can't blame you for thinking whatever that thing is is an asshole.

But, that's definitely not Molech and this just makes you look stupid.

Anonymous ID: 005175 June 3, 2021, 7:59 p.m. No.13825713   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's not how those work. Those aren't numbers that receive anything. It's like texting a landline.


Did one of you catch the retard bug and spread it around or something?

What happened to the people that weren't just average retards that used to come here?

This is getting fucking boring.

Anonymous ID: 005175 June 3, 2021, 8:09 p.m. No.13825793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5814



What are you even referencing?

Besides, the snake in the Garden is a good guy. Gardens grow crops. It wasn't some oasis. The "Sky God" asshole was farming humans...

Snakes, all throughout antiquity and especially in occult (it simply means "hidden" don't get your jimmies all rustled) were symbolic of wisdom or knowledge.

The apple was the fruit of knowledge. The snake gave humans knowledge... in the "Garden"... get it?

He helped them break out.


This was a bunch of Hebrews/"Jews" you're talking about here. What reason do you have to trust their interpretations? I get that the Catholics scrambled to incorporate the old "Jewish" literature, but give me a break here, anon...


You guys used to be so much better than this.



I don't see how this is pertinent and I'm not sure what even prompted you to bring this up.

Let me guess, you're doing a "mark of the beast" bit, right?

I could enlighten you easily here.

"Mark" means a unit of currency, like the Deutsche Mark.

"Mark" of The Beast, then, means currency of the beast.

No, it's not Blockchain, its those green dross papers in your wallet, Federal Reserve Notes.


I don't know who's telling you this shit, but you being gullible enough to fall for this so that you don't figure out how to secure some upwards mobility while it's available is nothing more than pitiful.

Anonymous ID: 005175 June 3, 2021, 8:20 p.m. No.13825892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5926 >>5931


"Satan" is a Hebrew word.

The Devil resembles pretty closely Set, who was normally colored red, had ears like a dog (through time became horns) and carried a scepter of some kind.

If Anu or El (Yahweh's dad) called the Snake "adversary", does that not put things in to perspective for you? He wasn't the adversary of Adam and Eve. El/Anu wasn't a god.

"The Serpent" had a name before the Vulgate called him "Light-Bringer" (yet another title). I take it you don't know what it was.


As for this mark of the beast being some digital currency bullshit, you're merely ill informed.

Someone is convincing you that this is the case. You listening to them means you stay poor, you sleep in the pod and you eat da bugs.

Blockchain currencies are the future. They're the way out at the moment.

The Mark of The Beast is not some blockchain currency. Blockchain offers a direct refutation to all of the shit we hate about centralized finance. It robs banks of custody they desperately need to maintain in order to remain relevant, they fix congestion problems, nearly eliminate fees and reduce logistic strain by nearly eliminating issues that a physically valued currency like Gold or Silver can offer by digitizing the ledger and transaction process.


You're in over your head here. You don't understand the subjects you're discussing. Anyone that's done even basic research can see instantly how little you've learned and how great your focus has been on some faggot on youtube you've become enamored with.

You're nothing more than a parrot with shit in it smouth.

Anonymous ID: 005175 June 3, 2021, 8:22 p.m. No.13825911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5951


Before we let you newfags in, we could have conversations that pushed boundaries and we were all better for it.

Lurk moar.

Anonymous ID: 005175 June 3, 2021, 8:33 p.m. No.13825984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5989 >>5994 >>6029 >>6033 >>6092




>dude, what's Enoch?

You're using these Hebrew words, but you don't care for their meaning and you still have this fantastic perspective where the bible is some fantasy land anime. Listen to yourself.

You don't seem to understand what the anti-christ is either. It's yet another title, the one that fends off Χρίστος, Chrēstos, Christ.


Blockchain was granted to us by /ourguys/. MJ12 explains this quite well.

Do you want to know what it was modeled after?

Do you know what the Akashic Records are?


This is literal child's play.

Anonymous ID: 005175 June 3, 2021, 8:52 p.m. No.13826094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6116


Well at least you're parsing language now I guess… that's some small improvement I suppose.

But this post entirely lacks and substance yet again. No discussion of the tech. No discussion of limits to adoption, no mention of logistics comparisons, no talk of anything worth conversing about.

Maybe don't be so stale and I might play with you.

Anonymous ID: 005175 June 3, 2021, 8:55 p.m. No.13826110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6125 >>6158


>Only control freaks need control over a counter to cheat.

See? You do get it after all.

You may have accidentally gotten the point, but you figured it out nonetheless. Well done, anon.


>Learn to control yourself first before attempting to scholar (condition) others.

My god you guys just don't do any research on things and then you denounce them?

/pol/ may be flooded with bogus filth, but at least they still try sometimes. You guys just suck at even the basics.



Guy, you've done nothing besides lackluster copeposting this whole entire time.

The "anon" I'm responding to (who has double my posts, hilariously) called me "Jewish".

You people are so impotent…

Anonymous ID: 005175 June 3, 2021, 9 p.m. No.13826132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6168


Boy, we sure do have fun, don't we?

I'm still surprised that after a couple of years of this, they just let me run them in circles while dripping interesting things I read/hear.

Maybe I go overboard sometimes, but I haven't stopped having fun yet so why stop now?



top kek

Anonymous ID: 005175 June 3, 2021, 9:10 p.m. No.13826191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6205 >>6230


Damn anon you're just absolutely all over the place with this retardation.

You poor guy.



This abandon all power and have no money shit isn't helpful.

I understand not having attachments, but we all gather here to enact change on our world. Our aim is to help as many people as possible in this project we agreed to call "The Great Awakening" a few years ago. If we're going to do that, we have to accrue power and energy (money). Doing so means we can benefit to a point where we can spread our competence and enable those around us to improve and spread that competence, improvement and prosperity further still.

The powerless can help no one and it's not okay to be weak.

We were made poor for a reason.


The funny thing is, in terms of dollars, I'm literally poor. So it's pretty funny that you'd say that.

Anonymous ID: 005175 June 3, 2021, 9:13 p.m. No.13826211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6231


"Hebrews" sounds better anyway.



Well, clearly.

But I don't lack compassion, anon. I'm simply enjoying myself here. You're mistaking my being blunt for my intending to diminish.



Yeah, well, with retards like that "anon" coming here and puking up their retarded babble anons have gotten bored of years ago, I can't really blame you.

Anonymous ID: 005175 June 3, 2021, 9:20 p.m. No.13826239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6241


Q doesn't elaborate on plenty of things.

Besides, "Christianity" is one of the main demographic affiliations.

It's not like plenty of us didn't express annoyance to some degree that Q would appeal to the boomers and newfags.

Besides, we can't expect Q team to just abandon their individual beliefs.

Just don't assume we wouldn't also give them shit for their primitive spirituality.