Anonymous ID: 4e67bd June 8, 2021, 3:35 a.m. No.13855613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5617

We are entering into a new phase, along with all of you and all other beings and collectives within the galaxy and universe. This phase represents the evolution of consciousness that has occurred there on Earth in particular, as we have seen you all take another giant leap forward in the reclaiming of the truth of who you really are as Source Energy Beings. There has been another mass awakening of individuals who have had their own unique awakening experiences, experiences that left their minds blown, their worlds shaken, and yet their hearts opened in ways that they are finding difficult to communicate to the others in their lives.


Many of you can relate to this, as you have been through something similar with your friends, family members and co-workers. This most recent mass awakening has tipped the scales to such an extent there on Earth that your collective consciousness simply has risen to a higher frequency, one that will not allow for certain thought forms to enter into the consciousness of all who are awake.


Now, there is still much work to be done, and those who have yet to truly awaken are still slated to have their experiences that will be unique to them and that will give them the same layer of protection from these unwanted thought forms that have become a nuisance there on your world. For example, when an awakened soul realizes that they are in fact Source, then thoughts of jealousy, of what someone else has, cannot enter into a person’s conscious mind. In order for there to be jealousy, there must first be separation.


And when you realize that you are Source, you know that what someone else has enhances your life experience. You recognize that all others are you, and at the same time, with the illusion of separation present in your reality, they give you that inspiration, that knowing that you too can be living a life of freedom, joy, excitement and love. Therefore, you no longer envy someone else’s experience.


This is just one of many thought forms that will not be able to make it into the consciousness of the awakened, and therefore the ripple effect has begun already throughout the galaxy and throughout this universe of ours. We are all being taken to a slightly higher level; we are all becoming insulated from whatever energies have been holding us down, holding us back, and we are all making the journey now of ascension much easier and much more smoothly than we were just a few days ago in your counting of time.


We are very excited to be on this journey with you, and so are all the others who are tuning in to the great show that is life on planet Earth, and we will continue to chart your progress and give you these progress reports, as we continue to encourage you as well to see yourselves as you truly are in each and every moment of each and every day of your beautiful lives.

Anonymous ID: 4e67bd June 8, 2021, 4:02 a.m. No.13855701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5705 >>5720



A Message To Humanity


You have been specially chosen to be a part of a divine experiment in creation. What is about to happen on this planet has never happened before and will never happen again.


Our planet is moving from third dimensional awareness (physical-material reality-what you can see, feel, hear, taste and touch), to a fourth and a fifth-dimensional consciousness. In the these dimensions you will be fully conscious, you will exist in a state of love not fear. You will be telepathic and have much more light in your body.


You will be able to create anything you want with your mind and the new technology that will be provided for you. This technology will be beyond your wildest imagination.


You will be able to live for hundreds or thousands of years. You will be completely healed of any thing that is now wrong with you. You could be 85 years old now and manifest a 20 year old body.


Very soon, we will have millions of space ships and visitors from outer space on this planet. Our government knows this is happening but they want you to be afraid so they can keep life as it has been.


Our visitors will be joined with angels that you will see coming down with the ships. They are benevolent and loving. They will bring counselors, supplies, teachers and new technology.


This divine intervention is being brought about by the grace of God. You might ask "why." "We have free will and have to do all of this ourselves." The reason we are being helped in such a great magnitude is that millions of years ago the Earth was part of a divine experiment. The Prime Creator took billions of laggard souls (souls there were not evolving spiritually with the rest of creation) and just put them on Earth. It was hoped that these souls would transform to higher consciousness.


These souls were from all of the planets under our Great Central Sun. Our planet was fully conscious and in the fifth dimension. We had heaven on Earth.


Alas, we gave birth to these laggard souls and began the fall from grace that is described in the Bible with Adam and Eve. We took on their Wheel of Karma.


Attempts were made during the time of Atlantis and Lemuria to raise the consciousness of the planet back up to the fifth dimension. Both of these attempts failed. Now, as of the Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987, over 51% of the people on this planet have enough light in them to make this shift possible. By the grace of God all of Creation is looking upon planet Earth.


We are being assisted by all of Creation-the Spiritual Hierarchy, Angelic Realms, the Galactic Federation of Light, Ascended Masters, and our space brothers and sisters. You are very blessed and very special to be on this planet at this time.


Within a short period of time our planet will be receiving the Photon Belt. This belt of light comes around every 25,000 years. This time it will be ushering in the Golden Age.


The photon energy is an extremely loving energy that is comprised of Photons, Gamma Rays, and Anti-matter Particles.


When the Photon Belt hits we will have three days of darkness and one day of coldness. Then we will have 16 years of light, 24 hours a day.


You will become fully conscious within the first hour when the light beam hits your pineal gland. It will activate all 12 strands of your DNA and you will be able to use all of the rest (90%) of your brain that you currently have not been able to use.


You will be able to create with your thought, whatever you need, light up a room, warm yourself, whatever you need.


There is nothing to fear. A paradise is being created on this planet that is beyond your furthest imagination. We send much blessings of love and light to you.

Anonymous ID: 4e67bd June 8, 2021, 5:04 a.m. No.13855906   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!


Today my message will be very brief. On your planet today there is mention of my body. I will not comment on these traditions and beliefs. Once again I want to remind you that I did not go to the cross to redeem anyone’s sin, I did not go to the cross to absolve them of their sins; I went because I bothered; I went against the interests and concepts preached at that time. And continually my words, my teachings, were being interpreted according to the interests of those who wrote the religious books.


I will not simply condemn those who follow such beliefs. I will not judge them, nor will I separate them from my flock. They are all sheep; whimsical sheep, careful sheep, sheep that follow my words, but still get caught up from time to time, still attached to beliefs and dogmas taught throughout their lives.


I don’t ask anyone to change their beliefs. Each one believes what he wants, changes when he wants, and doesn’t change if he wants. I only say that sometimes it is quite inconsistent to follow the two paths; because the cult to my death, to my body, does not fit anymore for those who have already studied my Letters; it does not fit anymore at this moment. But I repeat again, I am not judging, nor will I judge those who still follow these concepts. I only ask that you analyze from the bottom of your soul what you really believe. Do you do it only because of an imposition? Do you do it just because you are used to it? Do you do it because you believe in it? What is the real reason?


So, I say, follow everything I teach and show, follow the truth of what Father/Mother God created, of who Father/Mother God is, of what Father/Mother God’s love is, and of what my life has been, which I explicitly relate in the Letters, or follow the precepts of a religion or several religions that cling to a totally untrue Christ within the concepts they have put forward.What do you want to follow? What do you want to believe? For some who are listening to me now, they are scared, because they have not asked themselves what path they follow. And again, to follow both paths is complicated; either you believe everything I have told you within my Letters, or you believe what is said on the other side. To believe halfway in each is strange, and I would say that it is not leading you anywhere, because you are confused. Neither do you let yourself get totally involved with my Letters, but you don’t let yourself get involved with the other side either, because you feel that there is no full and complete truth there either.


There is no more time to stand on the wall. The wall has already fallen; and you have to choose a side. You can’t go on with both sides. So I say it again for the avoidance of doubt: I am not passing judgment on those who are worshipping today. I am just making a statement, and asking you a question: Why? What is the reason? Ask yourself this question, and find the answer within yourself.


And truly understand that you can’t go both ways; either you follow the path of truth, the path I show you in my Letters, or you let yourself be led by outdated dogmas that are not entirely true. Make your choices. And it doesn’t hurt to insist on one point, should you choose to remain within the concepts and truths of the other side, I remain the same for you; nothing will change between us, I will always be your Christ in your way of seeing; I will continue to be, always by your side. I would say only a little disappointed, because after all I have taught you, after all I have written, after all I have passed on to you, you still don’t believe me. Not truly as I would like you to.


Make your choices. You cannot serve two ways. The Way, the Truth and the Life only I will show you. No other way will lead to these words. So make your choices. Search within your hearts, whom you want to believe; whom you want to truly worship. Choose, because one thing is for sure, to follow both paths is no good, because you would have to have two consciousnesses: one that follows my path, the one that I teach in my cards, and goes on towards ascension, or the other path which is all you have been taught, the path of religions, and which will not take you to the Fifth Dimension.


But you have only one consciousness, so you can’t choose between the two paths; you either choose one or the other; you can’t choose both. So once again and in closing I say, make your choices, don’t try to fool yourself, don’t try to fool us, because we truly see into the heart of each one of you.