About a week after my brother died I was sitting at an intersection. Across the intersection was a bus stop. At the bus stop was my brother, sitting smoking a cig. He leaned back and disappeared through the bus stop backing.
A few years later I was on vacation in another state. While I was sleeping a close friend of the family, someone I knew since I was a kid, died in a motorcycle accident. It happened at the same time as the dream I had of it happening. I was him in the dream and lived the accident in real time as it happened several states away. After the accident I (he) walked around and saw the aftermath. I (he) then tried to get back into my body, but it didn't "fit" anymore. There was no fear or feelings of loss. I only knew I wasn't me any more. I (he) got back on the motorcycle and his wife who had passed from cancer came down as a pristine white apparition from the mountains where he lived near. I then remained and watched as he followed her back up into the mountains riding his bike. I received the phone call later telling me what had happened.
I do believe there is something beyond this life.