Anonymous ID: 80e606 June 17, 2021, 11:21 a.m. No.13924844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4863

Because Open Borders Are Not Enough: Joe Biden Is Now Flying Family Members of Fake Refugees into the County Who Are Not Even Approved to Be Here — All on the US Taxpayer’s Dime


Because they just can’t destroy the country quick enough!

The Biden-Obama administration opened the US border with Mexico the day he was sworn in.


Since then illegals have been flooding into the US at historic levels.


The last three months alone saw more than half-a-million illegals and fake refugees caught at the border and then released inside the US homeland.


The number of illegals crossing the border in Texas in April was TEN TIMES the number from the same month a year ago.

President Joe Biden is allowing Central American economic migrants with pending asylum claims — not just approved claims — to have the Department of State fly their families on the American taxpayer dime to live with them in the U.S.


Breitbart reported:


President Joe Biden is allowing Central American economic migrants with pending asylum claims — not just approved claims — to have the Department of State fly their families on the American taxpayer dime to live with them in the U.S.


On Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times revealed:


The Biden administration on Tuesday announced the major expansion of a program that would allow many such youths into the country legally, part of its stated goal to increase “legal pathways” for immigration. The changes could boost the number of Salvadoran, Guatemalan and Honduran children joining their families in the U.S. from several hundred to tens of thousands.


The in-country processing will resume with Tuesday’s announcement, administration officials said. Advocates warned against allowing burdensome backlogs to form in El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras, with screening, interviews, vetting, and cross-border paperwork that delay and ultimately discourage applicants, some of whom feel too at risk to wait it out [and choose to take their shot trying to sneak into the U.S.]

Anonymous ID: 80e606 June 17, 2021, 11:23 a.m. No.13924853   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Georgia Elections Officials Hired Thousands of Individuals Tied to the ACLU and other Leftist Groups for the 2020 Election – What Could Go Wrong?


Thousands of individuals backed by the ACLU in Georgia who likely support BLM were hired to work in the 2020 election in Georgia. This was forecast by the state’s contract worker/CFO/COO Gabe Sterling in the summer of 2020 as we previously reported.


In late November 2020, we reported on a video we located where Gabe Sterling, who is connected at the hip to corrupt Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, promised to hire ACLU individuals in the 2020 election.


This video was located as we were uncovering the massive election fraud that occurred in Georgia that the mainstream media was ignoring.


Fast forward to today and reports are coming out of Georgia in the Georgia Star that thousands of ACLU individuals, were hired for the 2020 Election:


Fulton County was not alone. All told, the ACLU recruited, trained and deployed more than 2,700 election workers at polls across the state on November 3. It also helped recruit “technicians” to help operate and “troubleshoot“ the machines of Dominion Voting Systems. ACLU recruiters targeted younger Georgians for the election work, many of whom had no previous experience checking in voters, and put them through a special training program separate from the county’s…


…In addition to the ACLU recruits, more than 340 poll workers — including those screening absentee voters, counting votes, canvassing votes, auditing votes and even supervising poll workers — were contracted over to Fulton County through a minority-owned temp agency that doesn’t specialize in recruiting or training election workers.


This hiring process in Georgia was supported and pushed by Gabe Sterling and Stacey Abrams who was connected to the firms doing the hiring in Georgia. Also, in the Georgia Star article above it is mentioned that the ACLU in Georgia is linked to BLM and the ACLU of Georgia’s website currently has links to BLM-related initiatives with most of their links now related to election integrity.


Her [Stacey Abrams former chief of staff Andrea Young] ACLU chapter supports the “Black Lives Matter” movement. In a page on its website titled, “RACIAL JUSTICE: GEORGIA’S UPRISING,” it states: “At the ACLU of Georgia, we have redoubled our efforts to support the voices of the unheard and fight systemic racism in its many forms. Join the movement. Black Lives Matter.”


Maybe next time Georgia might want to hire more individuals from churches and less from far-left outfits that try to appear not to be far- left outfits.

Anonymous ID: 80e606 June 17, 2021, 11:30 a.m. No.13924880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4898

Raffensperger’s Own Team Was Saying “Bad, Bad Things” Were Happening in Fulton County Elections — He Ignored Them and Attacked Trump Instead


Back in January Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger told “60 Minutes” the state of Georgia, “Had safe, secure, and honest elections.”


This was after a Gateway Pundit report exposed Georgia election officials repeateldy feeding hundreds and possibly thousands of ballots through the voting machines late at night in Atlanta, Georgia after the election observers were sent home.


Earlier this week a Fulton County Georgia election official admitted that the chain of custody documents that are legally required per state law are missing from 24% of the ballots from the 2020 election.


Brad Raffensperger, the corrupt Secretary of State in Georgia is ultimately responsible (see picture above). For the first time an elections official admitted the chain of custody documents are missing in Georgia per the Georgia Star.


Then today John Solomon and Just The News reported that an audit of documents found that more than 100 batches of absentee ballots are missing in Fulton County Georgia!


Later this morning John Solomon told the War Room that Brad Raffensperger’s own team was saying that “bad, bad things” were coming out of Fulton County.


Didn’t Brad Raffensperger continuously say it was a perfect election? Now we know for a fact that he knew there was all sorts of problems all along?

Anonymous ID: 80e606 June 17, 2021, 11:32 a.m. No.13924893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4911 >>4950

Georgia audit documents expose significant election failures in state's largest county


Records suggest more than 100 batches of absentee ballots in Fulton County could be missing. Some experts see "election tabulation malpractice" as state officials seek to remove county's top election supervisors.


Documents that Georgia's largest county submitted to state officials as part of a post-election audit highlight significant irregularities in the Atlanta area during last November's voting, ranging from identical vote tallies repeated multiple times to large batches of absentee ballots that appear to be missing from the official ballot-scanning records.


The problems in predominantly Democratic Fulton County potentially impact thousands of ballots in a presidential race that Joe Biden was certified as winning statewide by fewer than 12,000 votes.


The memos reviewed by Just the News include the handwritten tally sheets for all absentee ballots counted by the county as well as a private report from a contractor hired by Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to monitor the Atlanta-area election process. The report, which chronicled seven days of problems, recorded troubling behavior like the mysterious removal of a suitcase of sensitive election data known as polls pads, used to authenticate voters.


"Learn that Rick reprogramming poll pads earlier was setting up a new precinct for SC11 because someone took the wrong suitcase but only took one," the contractor Seven Hills Strategy wrote late on Nov. 2, the night before Election Day. "Seems to be a mystery who this person was → Should have chain of custody paperwork!! That means that a stranger just walked out with sensitive election materials?"


The contractor also observed that sensitive election materials were left on a dock at a warehouse without supervision. "Several cases (including SC11) were just left out on the loading dock outside the warehouse," he wrote. "Thankfully the seals were intact."




The revelations come as a state judge has taken the extraordinary step of ordering absentee ballots in the county unsealed so that a private audit led by lawyer Bob Cheeley can examine the actual papers and resolve discrepancies. Cheeley told Just the News on Wednesday the evidence he has seen so far points to "election tabulation malpractice."


Private experts and state election officials differ on whether the evidence shows a pattern of potential fraud or simply gross incompetence in the county that encompasses Atlanta.

Anonymous ID: 80e606 June 17, 2021, 11:34 a.m. No.13924908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4913

Tapes leaked to media reveal Bolivian coup government was plotting to overturn 2020 election loss with help from US mercenaries


Top cabinet officials in the caretaker government of Jeanine Anez plotted a second coup to stay in power in Bolivia, according to leaked documents. The plan allegedly involved hundreds of US mercenaries flown in from Florida.


Anez took power in Bolivia in November 2019, after mass protests backed by the country’s military and police forced Evo Morales to flee from the country rather than continue governing for a fourth presidential term after winning elections. The protests were triggered by claims of election fraud, which were promoted by the Organization of American States and were later proven to be groundless.


The new government used force to suppress dissenting people from Morales’ left-wing Movement towards Socialism (MAS) party and made a sharp right-wing turn. It also repeatedly delayed holding a new election, which was supposed to be the primary goal of Anez’ caretaker presidency.


Pressured by mass protests, she eventually agreed to hold the ballot last fall. MAS candidate Luis Arce, who served as Morales’ economy minister, won it in a landslide, avoiding a second round by getting 55.1% of the vote. Anez herself came a distant fourth.


As Arce was celebrating his victory, Anez and her ministers were plotting a second coup, which would allow them to overturn the will of the Bolivian people, the Intercept reported on Thursday, citing records of conversations and email exchanges detailing the conspiracy.


The key figures in the plan were Luis Fernando Lopez, who served as Anez’ defense minister, and Joe Pereira, a former civilian administrator with the US Army, according to the report. Pereira was supposed to recruit mercenaries in the US and help fly them to Bolivia. There they would join forces with elite military troops from the Bolivian army, police units and right-wing vigilante mobs to quash MAS supporters.


“I can get up to 10,000 men with no problem” Pereira bragged in one alleged conversation. “All special forces. I can also bring about 350 what we call LEPs, Law Enforcement Professionals, to guide the police.”


If there’s something else I need, I will have them fly in as undercover, like if they were photographers, they were pastors, they were medics, they were tourists.


The number of troops appears to be a boast on Pereira’s part. One of the US-based recruiters he turned to for help told the Intercept that one “couldn’t get 10,000 people even if Blackwater was back in business and going back to Iraq.” But email exchanges indicate the planning was in an advanced stage and that at least 250 contractors were ready to take part in the ‘Bolivia project’, before it was called off.

Anonymous ID: 80e606 June 17, 2021, 11:37 a.m. No.13924925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4930

Top Chinese Epidemiologist Urges Probe Of US Bio-Weapons Labs In Latest Deflect


China is once again seeking to turn the blame for the COVID-19 pandemic onto the United States, with a new state-run Global Times report seizing upon a study out this week by the US National Institutes for Health (NIH) showing that at least seven Americans across five states were infected with coronavirus weeks prior to US health authorities recording the first official cases.


Citing the key bizarre and accusatory quotes in the Global Times Reuters writes:


Zeng Guang, chief epidemiologist with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, told state-owned tabloid the Global Times that attention should shift to the United States, which was slow to test people in the early stages of the outbreak, and is also the home of many biological laboratories.


"All bio-weapons related subjects that the country has should be subject to scrutiny," he was quoted as saying.


While China's main official theory remains centered on the bats-origin claim, Beijing has also of late promoted the extremely dubious story of "contaminated frozen food" infecting Wuhan after being shipped from outside China.


All of this appears a desperate attempt to deflect and obfuscate amid growing calls from Western politicians and media to conduct a deep investigation into Wuhan lab origins.


Attempting to provide enough ambiguity and cover seems precisely the Chinese strategy, which is clearly more and more on the defensive:


Commenting on the U.S. study on Wednesday, foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said it was now "obvious" the COVID-19 outbreak had "multiple origins" and that other countries should co-operate with the WHO.


However, just which of the "multiple origin" stories is the foreign ministry now calling "obvious"?…


We seem to be witnessing the beginnings of even a Chinese tip-toeing back of the "Bat origin" claims now in progress.


…despite astounding headlines and claims like these:


Scientists in Wuhan should be awarded the Nobel Prize rather than being blamed for being the first to discover the virus' gene sequence, said Chinese FM, after China's "bat woman" Shi Zhengli refuted the slander in a recent interview.

— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) June 17, 2021


And given the latest state media GT report calling for greater scrutiny of "all bio-weapons" capabilities in different countries, it seems that Beijing itself is now reluctantly and inadvertently admitting the legitimacy of man-made lab origins.

Anonymous ID: 80e606 June 17, 2021, 11:40 a.m. No.13924941   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Media hushes up report suggesting FBI involvement in Capitol riot, as White House turns anti-terrorism efforts on American people


Court filings suggest that FBI operatives were among the mob who stormed the US Capitol in January, and may have set up the riot. With the riot used as justification for new terrorism policy, the media is downplaying the story.


Fox News broadcast possibly the most consequential report in recent cable news history on Tuesday night. Fox host Tucker Carlson alleged that the Capitol Hill riot on January 6 – dubbed an “insurrection,” an “assault on our democracy,” and “domestic terrorism” – may have been, at least partly, an inside job.


#Thread Must Watch Tucker Carlson Segment On Revolver News's Piece About January 6th: Unindicted Co-Conspirators In January 6th Cases Raise Disturbing Questions Of Federal Foreknowledge

— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) June 16, 2021


Carlson’s claims were first made a day earlier by Revolver News, an upstart right-wing news site. Revolver pored over charging documents against members of the ‘Oath Keepers’ and ‘Proud Boys’ militias who took part in the riots, and discovered that alongside the rioters were dozens of “unindicted co-conspirators.” These co-conspirators (UCCs for short) allegedly committed crimes equal to or greater than those of the militia members, but were kept anonymous in the court documents and not charged.


Some of them allegedly booked and paid for hotel rooms for militia members, others provided transport to Washington DC. They set up communications channels on walkie-talkie-style apps, and used these apps to whip their comrades into a riotous frenzy. “I want to see thousands of normies burn that city to ash today,” one UCC said in a Proud Boys group chat, while another, identified only as “Person 1,” replied, “God let it happen… I will settle with seeing them smash some pigs to dust.”


One alleged member of the Oath Keepers, 65-year-old Thomas Caldwell of Virginia, was charged with conspiracy, obstructing an official proceeding, destruction of government property, and unlawful entry on restricted building or grounds – a rap sheet that could see him face 20 years in prison. However, a certain “Person Two” who took part in the exact same actions as Caldwell was not charged. Neither was a “Person Three” who offered Caldwell a hotel room and spoke of bringing explosives to the riot.

Anonymous ID: 80e606 June 17, 2021, 11:41 a.m. No.13924953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4966

Sweden’s Christian Democrats vow to vote against Prime Minister Lofven in vote of no-confidence, following Left & Sweden Democrats


The leader of Sweden’s Christian Democrats has said his party will vote in favor of ousting center-left Prime Minister Stefan Lofven in a no-confidence vote, after the Left Party withdrew its support for the government.


On Thursday, the leader of the Christian Democrats, Ebba Busch, vowed to vote against center-left Prime Minister Stefan Lofven’s government. “We were against the Lofven government when it came into power,” Busch told a news conference. “We will vote to oust it,” she added.


The country’s right-wing party, the Sweden Democrats, submitted a vote of no confidence against the government on Thursday. “If we have a chance to replace this damaging government we will take it,” Henrik Vinge, the Sweden Democrat’s parliamentary group leader, told a news conference. The anti-migrant party currently holds one-fifth of the parliament’s seats.


The move was triggered after the Left Party, which is not part of the government but has backed the prime minister frequently, said on Thursday it would no longer support Lofven. “We are now seeking support for a vote of no-confidence,” Left Party leader Nooshi Dadgostar later told reporters during a news conference after rumors spread online.


The Left fell out with Lofven over plans to ease rent control rules for newly built apartments.


A vote is set to take place on June 21, which may topple the uneasy minority coalition of Social Democrats and Greens that has ruled for over two years. To succeed, a vote of no-confidence would require the support of half of the parliament’s 349 members.

Anonymous ID: 80e606 June 17, 2021, 11:45 a.m. No.13924969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4994 >>5013

Biden DOJ upset that Missouri made itself a sanctuary from federal gun rules; says state lacks authority to shield against enforcement of federal laws


With the stroke of his pen, Missouri Gov. Mike Parson (R) made the Show Me State a sanctuary from federal gun laws. No longer will Missouri law enforcement officials be allowed to enforce — or help the feds enforce — federal firearms rules.


But the move is not sitting well with President Joe Biden's Department of Justice, which made its displeasure known in a letter to Parson this week, telling the governor that a state does not have the authority to prevent the enforcement of federal law, the Associated Press reported.


What does the law do?


Much like cities and states that have declared they will not enforce federal immigration laws, Missouri has declared it will protect its citizens from what is sees as federal "overreach" when it comes to gun rights.


The Second Amendment Preservation Act prohibits police from enforcing or assisting federal authorities in enforcing federal gun rules. It also allows for anyone who believes his Second Amendment rights were violated by an officer enforcing federal laws to sue the relevant police department for $50,000, the Kansas City Star said.


When Parson, a former sheriff, signed the bill into law, he said he was sending a message to the feds in response to increased federal gun control regulations that are being pushed by the Biden administration.


"We're going to do things to make sure you don't overreach your authority from the federal government," he said, according to KCUR-FM.

How did the DOJ respond?


In a letter sent Wednesday night, the AP said, Justice Department officials told Missouri's elected leadership that the U.S. Constitution's Supremacy Clause supersedes Missouri's law.


Acting Assistant Attorney General Brian Boynton said in the letter that the new law "threatens to disrupt the working relationship between fedral and local authorities," the AP reported.


"The public safety of the people of the United States and citizens of Missouri is paramount," Boynton wrote.


According to the DOJ, Missouri lacks any authority to shield Missourians from federal law or to prevent law enforcement from carrying out federal laws.


Neither the DOJ letter nor the AP report on the letter bothered to mention that multiple state and local jurisdictions have declared themselves immigration sanctuary cities and are currently barring law enforcement from enforcing federal laws.


HotAir's Ed Morrissey pointed out that both the AP and DOJ were apparently incapable of understanding the point Parson was clearly making:


That's the context which the AP misses, but it as plain as the nose on one's face. If Parson had signed a bill declaring Missouri an immigration sanctuary state, Garland and the DoJ wouldn't have batted an eye about it. And yet, the same principle is true — states that ignore and refuse to cooperate with federal immigration law violate the Supremacy Clause, put public safety at risk, and should risk federal grants and technical assistance on that basis as well.


Amusingly, however, the AP never even mentions immigration or sanctuary status in its report. That is not just the clear context of Parson's move, it's also the precedent on which it's based. The Obama-Biden administration did nothing to discourage cities and states from refusing to cooperate with federal law on immigration; neither Eric Holder nor Loretta Lynch sent scolding reminders about the Supremacy Clause to the leaders of sanctuary cities and states.


The DOJ, Morrissey noted, is "awfully arbitrary about when they choose to get their panties in a twist" over the Supremacy Clause.

Anonymous ID: 80e606 June 17, 2021, 11:46 a.m. No.13924978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4993

Research Group Warns Adverse Event Reports Indicate COVID Vaccine ‘Unsafe for Use in Humans’


As TFTP has reported over the last several months, a record number of adverse reactions have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The most recent numbers show thousands of adverse events reported from the new age group of 12-17 year old children who are now receiving the vaccine — with 623 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis among people ages 30 and younger who received COVID-19 vaccine.


According to the CDC, from December 14, 2020, through June 7, 2021, VAERS received 5,208 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.


As the Free Thought Project has stated from the beginning, as not to set off the “fact checkers” it is important to point out that just because data is submitted to the CDC through VAERS, this does not in anyway mean that these reactions are directly related to the COVID-19 vaccine.


However, we’ve seen folks attempt to dismiss the number of reports, claiming they know there is nothing related or that they are being made by fake accounts or by folks attempting to manipulate the data to make the vaccine companies look bad. It is indeed true, according to the CDC that “anyone can file a report in the system.” However, filing a false VAERS report intentionally is a violation of federal law punishable by fine and imprisonment.


That being said, a medical research group in England has found a similar trend in the United Kingdom’s reporting system for adverse events, called Yellow Card. Like the VAERS system, the UK government encourages people to “report suspected side effects to medicines, vaccines or medical device and diagnostic adverse incidents used in coronavirus treatment to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to ensure safe and effective use.”


The group of scientists and doctors at the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy (EBMC) in Bath, UK has examined the data reported to Yellow Card and has found a startling trend.


The director of the EMBC, the renowned Dr. Tess Lawrie wrote to the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) with concerns over the data gleaned from Yellow Card.


In her letter to the MHRA, Lawrie points out that between January 4, 2021 and May 26, 2021 a total of 1,253 deaths and 888,196 adverse events were reported, which like the CDC data aren’t directly proven as correlated with the vaccine process but were reported as such. Nonetheless, Lawrie and the EMBC have concerns for the safety of those receiving the vaccine.


Like the CDC data, the sheer number of reports of adverse reactions — which have surpassed the last 20 years of all adverse reactions reported for all vaccines, combined — are raising serious concerns among doctors and scientists.


In an interview with, Lawrie said “the total number of cases is concerning and that each person that’s reported should be followed up on to ensure there are no further problems. The scope of morbidity,” Lawrie declared, “is striking, evidencing a lot of incidents and what amounts to a large number of ill.”


Lawrie told TrialSite the system is incredibly “opaque”, that is, not transparent. She shared that the researchers aren’t able to cross-reference safety incidents by age, gender, or other data attributes. She estimates that in the UK about 60%+ of all vaccines are AstraZeneca’s while the remainder from the mRNA-based Pfizer vaccine.


While there is not a direct correlation, EMBC’s letter to the MHRA states that “the MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.”

Anonymous ID: 80e606 June 17, 2021, 11:48 a.m. No.13924985   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Clearly Unconstitutional’: 2 Justices Issue Dissent in Supreme Court’s Obamacare Ruling


Justices Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch dissented from the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Health Care Act, or Obamacare, describing the mandate as “clearly unconstitutional.”


The Supreme Court ruled 7–2 that the plaintiffs, 18 Republican-led states, lacked the standing to challenge the federal health care law. The states had wanted the Supreme Court to overturn the law because its “individual mandate” was set to zero by former President Donald Trump, saying that the entire law was unconstitutional.


The Department of Justice under former President Donald Trump backed the Republican-led states in urging the justices to strike down the law. The Biden administration doesn’t support the previous administration’s argument.


Justice Stephen Breyer wrote the majority opinion. He was joined by Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Amy Coney Barrett, and Brett Kavanaugh.


But Alito, in his dissent (pdf), described “today’s decision is the third installment in our epic Affordable Care Act trilogy,” and he added that the decision “follows the same pattern as installments one and two. In all three episodes, with the Affordable Care Act facing a serious threat, the Court has pulled off an improbable rescue.”


“Texas and the other state plaintiffs have standing, and now that the ‘tax’ imposed by the individual mandate is set at $0, the mandate cannot be sustained under the taxing power,” he wrote. “As a result, it is clearly unconstitutional, and to the extent that the provisions of the ACA that burden the States are inextricably linked to the individual mandate, they too are unenforceable.”


The justice added that the Supreme Court was “presented with the daunting problem” of defining the “individual mandate,” which the same court redefined (pdf) in 2012 as a “tax.”


The lower courts mostly sided with the Republican states but agreed to delay enforcement while the appeals process continued. Defenders of Obamacare, which comprised about 20 Democrat-led states and the House of Representatives, also had appealed to the Supreme Court.


“Can the taxing power, which saved the day in the first episode, sustain such a curious creature? In 2017, Congress reduced the ‘tax’ imposed on Americans who failed to abide by the individual mandate to $0,” Alito noted. “With that move, the slender reed that supported the decision … was seemingly cut down, but once again the Court has found a way to protect the [Afforable Care Act].”

Anonymous ID: 80e606 June 17, 2021, 11:51 a.m. No.13925005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5012 >>5024

Man Who Discussed Plot To Kill Luna Bragged About ‘My Freemason Brothers’ And ‘We Have To Sacrifice Some Sheeple’


Florida 13th congressional district candidate William Braddock bragged about an alleged plot to send a Russian-Ukrainian hit squad to kill his opponent, Florida congressional candidate Anna Paulina Luna. Braddock described the plot emanating from a dinner with “one of my Freemason brothers” and boasted “We have to sacrifice some sheeple.” The tape comes from a conversation between Braddock and conservative activist Erin Olszewski on June 9, 2021. (THE AUDIO IS HERE)


“We were at the dinner, at Hoppers, in front of everyone. One of my Freemason brothers, a billionaire, was going to actually, we’re bringing in, we’re going to get over a half a billion dollars from offshore, from Malta and Gibraltar, to fund my campaign,” the man says. “We probably have access to a hit squad too. Ukrainians and Russians. You did not fucking hear that from me.” Braddock described the hit squad as “Russian mafia.”


“This shit is getting deep, and I don’t want you to be on the wrong side of it,” Braddock said. “Don’t get caught in public, like, supporting Luna. Because Luna supporters are going — Luna is gonna going down, and I hope it’s by herself,” said William Braddock, explaining that if Luna beat him in polling then “she’s gonna be gone, she’s gonna disappear. And you cannot tell anybody that. For the good of our country we have to sacrifice some sheeple…Some sheep. For the better of the good.”


“This is beyond my control at this point,” Braddock said. “She’s a stupid c–t…This is even scaring me at this point.”


I previously reported: New scrutiny is being placed on Kamala Harris personnel after revelations of her California DOJ aide’s extensive activism as part of a Masonic lodge in Los Angeles.


Documents show that former Kamala Harris aide Brandon Kiel is a Masonic “Grand High Priest” who campaigned for his boss Harris at a Masonic grandmaster gathering. Kiel served as Harris’ deputy director of community affairs at the California Department of Justice.


Kiel also appeared with his Masonic brothers behind the LAPD at a press conference during Trayvon Martin-related instability.


The man in the top hat on Kiel’s left, Supreme Sovereign Grandmaster David Henry X, died on the day in 2016 that Kiel’s charges were thrown out for impersonating a police officer. Kiel served with the “Masonic Fraternal Police Force” in Los Angeles.

Anonymous ID: 80e606 June 17, 2021, 11:54 a.m. No.13925018   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Devin Nunes: Republicans Must Stop Talking to Establishment Media


Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) advised Republicans on Wednesday to end communications with left-wing and partisan Democrat news media.


Nunes repeated his call for Republicans to stop treating leftist operations as legitimate news media outlets on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow, author of Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption.


Breaking the News, held Nunes, exposes the widespread “criminality” and “defamation” of a mostly corrupt news media landscape, Nunes determined.


Nunes lamented how many Republicans still interact with CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, and similar news media outlets despite widespread recognition of their deceptive conduct.


“The real challenge for me is — even living through this — is trying to get my fellow Republicans to understand just how corrupt these institutions are,” Nunes stated.


Marlow’s book details conflicts of interest related to many news media outlets’ conglomerate ownership as well and industry figures’ financial and familial links to companies, interests, and people they ostensibly report on.


Nunes remarked, “I still, for the life of me, can’t understand why Republicans talk to 95 percent of the media, which is fake news. … ‘Fake news’ isn’t the proper term. It’s the propaganda arm of the Democrat Socialist Party. That’s what it is.”


He continued, “It’s no different than the Chinese Communist Party [and] the propaganda they put out. It’s no different than what the Soviet Union did with the old Pravda media, and, quite frankly, it’s no different than how Putin controls the media today, where 95 percent of his media in Russia is propaganda for the Putin regime. It’s the same thing here.”


Leftist and partisan Democrat news media should be treated as such, Nunes advised. News media outlets such as the CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post regularly describe themselves as politically objective and non-partisan.


Nunes said, “It just frustrates a hell out of me why we treat these guys as anything different other than a propaganda machine for the left.”


He continued, “I tell my colleagues all the time, ‘Would you walk in to the Democratic National Committee and do an interview with with their top lawyers and top investigators? Would you do that?’ Of course, they all say, ‘Well, of course not.’ Then why are you talking, why are you going on television with these kooks?”


“You’re just going into the propaganda machine,” he added. “The only reason I can see it sometimes — and I think you pointed this out — is you just want to go on there to mock them, to, to grab a screenshot of something, or 30 seconds that you can then take out and put on your social media and email out on the platforms. ”


Nunes concluded, “The institutions are corrupt, but I still think the Republicans just don’t get it.”


Nunes recently noted Republicans undermine legitimate news media outlets by engaging with and speaking to corrupt leftist operations. He urged Republicans to speak with genuine news media and not reward unethical companies with their time.