Kayfabe Productions is at it again.
Press moar buttons.
And convince the new eyes.
Seasoned anons get it.
Kayfabe Productions is at it again.
Press moar buttons.
And convince the new eyes.
Seasoned anons get it.
Der Gestapo/Stasi/FBI Brett Freiwillige liegt gerne in einem Sarg wenn er es sich selbst besorgt während seine Kayfabe Freunde ihn dabei filmen.
Nur diesmal wird es fĂĽr Euch keine Projekt BĂĽroklammer geben.
Eine Zensit findet nicht statt ?
Q was right, these people are stupid.
They are ALL Gestapo/Stasi/FBI Kayfabe Productions.
Put front and center like Fauci.
This time, when the final curtain falls, there will be no Project Paperclip.
My humble opinion from comon sense.
Blessings, Love anon
"ALL" does not include the players fro other/foreign agencies.
It does possibly inlude one or a few whitehats (infiltration)