The end of the worldly troubles is in sight but even when you return to what you would call normality there is much to be done to start anew and leave much of the old behind. With lockdown many countries have been laid bare and their shortcomings so apparent. It is not always the result of mismanagement but circumstances that have led to the acknowledgement of antiquated systems and a lack of foresight. Inequality has led to a great disparity between countries, although it is also due to the misuse of funds that have been kept for personal gain. These situations are coming to light and steps are being taken to remove those who have abused their power for their personal benefit.
Times are approaching when there will be no hiding place for those who have committed criminal acts against the people. There are of course genuine and honest people amongst you but sometimes they are overwhelmed by the actions of those who only serve self. It will all change, it has to if society is to be seen openly working for the betterment of all people. Sadly the dark Ones have had the power to move into positions of authority from where they further their own agenda. Many promises are made but thrust aside to allow abuse of their power and these actions are often carried out openly, but in future they will be closely monitored and action taken to prevent a recurrence.
The time is approaching when the people will rise up and demand an end to poverty and look for a more equal society. There are more than ample funds in the world to allow for such changes and it is just a matter of having a fairer system of distribution. This would be without claiming the funds “stolen” by the dark Ones to pay for their projects such as Space flights and all that is associated with them. You really are the Cinderella of the world but your day will come, perhaps much quicker than you might imagine. It always seems that the dark Ones can get away with whatever they wish, but be assured their power is already being limited. Nothing can be revealed in advance or broadcast about the tasks ahead, as secrecy is the best way to shield them but you may be assured that when successful they will be made known to the public in due course.
These are the times when we are in touch with your Space friends who would gladly help you out when in need, but apart from giving you encouragement they cannot directly help you but do their best to influence you to take the right action. Much is done that you will probably never become aware of, but you will realize you always have your unseen helpers around you. They do their best to ensure that you have every opportunity to help the Light in its battle against the dark Ones. This battle has been raging for millennia of time but it is drawing to a close. You have won the battle and now it is time to clear the planet from their influences.
The future for many of you is going to be exciting as you take part in reorganizing the Earth to its original plan, and the beauty of it is that as the vibrations continue to rise you will find less and less obstruction to your work. Little by little you will find that your powers have increased so be alert to the changes that are coming. These are strange times but suddenly the purpose behind everything will become apparent, and it is preparations for your Ascension. Obviously it is now very important that you keep the Light around you and do not allow the dark Ones to interfere with your continued evolution.
As we have often suggested, you should concentrate on the path you are following that is of your choice. The more progress you make the quicker you will establish yourself within the higher vibrations, and become free of the attention of the dark Ones. There will come a point where they can no longer keep pace with you. Even now you can safely avoid negative issues or actions by keeping inside your aura. When you are within it no one can interfere with you because you are well protected.
The Earth erupts to the raucous sounds that are emitted often in the name of music, yet when it is serene and gentle in a classical way it is actually of a healing quality. As you will learn through your experiences of sound it can actually harm or heal your body and the choice is yours. Mozart for example was overshadowed when composing and his music has a quality that can be very healing.
Sound has often played a part in various types of healing including mental afflictions. The vibrations can pass in to your body and put right any imbalances that may exist. Think upon the way that soothing music can help send you to sleep, even when you may be unsettled within. Equally when music is used romantically it can almost send people into a peaceful trance. You may experience most of these feelings without giving a thought to what has brought them about.