“Smartest Man in America” Breaks Down Global Elite’s Vaccine Sterilization Agenda
However, a 1999 Esquire article put Langan on the map, describing him at the time as the “Smartest Man in America,” with an IQ right around 200.
Comment: “I’ve been wondering if there was a nefarious motivation behind the V@x. If I were an sociopathic oligarch and thought mankind needed to be reduced massively to protect the earth, would I use the vax to cause a mass die off, or would I cause mass sterilization? While either approach would cause huge turmoil, the mass sterilization might cause the least disruption.”
Response: First, according to the usual definition of “vaccine”, the current injections are not “vaccines.” They are just another strain of dangerous technology that the parasitic overclass is funding and using for the purpose of global domination and control.
A mass human die-off would be traumatic and threaten the status quo. If the human population crashes and the economy follows suit, the elite will have nothing, no innate superiority or adaptivity, that might protect them and conduce to their survival. Hence, they prefer mass sterilization and a slower (but still rapid) population decline.
Obviously, the parasitic overclass is worried that its environment is being destroyed by human overpopulation. Unfortunately, it’s right about that – whereas the Earth and its resources are finite, population growth is exponential. But there are at least three major problems with their approach.
(1) Instead of addressing population control the right way, by upgrading the population through education and genetic hygiene, appealing to what is best in the human species, and convincing it to control its own reproductive behavior for its own good and that of the Earth, they prefer to lie and sneak around behind everyone else’s back, conning and threatening us into “vaccination” on false pretenses. Hence, their conspicuous neglect of Logos. Instead of upgrading humankind, they are degrading it, relying on a combination of public ignorance, misplaced trust, and dead-end ideas and ideologies like atheism, materialism, communism, multiculturalism and forced ethnic “diversification”, tyrannical “global governance” to snooker humanity into compliance.
(2) While the global elite desperately want total control of the planet including its human population, they are neither intelligent nor morally good enough to deserve it, and have no idea how to properly use it to the advantage of the human species and the planet as a whole.
(3) This is reflected in the fact that their control agenda is limited to quantity control and totally excludes quality control. They assume that all the true genetic wealth of mankind resides in themselves despite their conspicuous lack of merit (genius, moral rectitude). Subscribing to an outworn idea called “Social Darwinism”, they simply assume that everyone else, no matter how much better and how much smarter one may be, is inferior and expendable and should be either culled or sterilized, or downbred, deracinated, and melted into a vast mocha-colored slave race for elite convenience.
In short, by virtue of stuffing their pockets and pushing everyone else around, the elite consider themselves a “Master Race”, a kind of global livestock breeding association to which the rest of the species is nothing but a herd of docile cattle to be bred for servility and barely enough intelligence to follow orders. This has been clearly and irrefutably documented by, e.g., the “White genocide” agenda described a century ago by R.N. Coudenhove-Kalergi, originally funded by the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and other international banksters and now pursued as international policy throughout the Western World.
It’s easy to see where this leads, and it’s nowhere good. Personally, I’m willing if necessary to do severe physical harm to anyone attempting to force one of these injections on me, and the same should be true of any other decent self-respecting person.