Fuck Fauci, the evil Jesuit Orc
chicken tendies and watermelon, for sure
I think the inference was that people would be driven insane or catatonic when presented with the truth, and end up committed to an institution of some sort
Then again, the Corona scam has proven that most people are completely brain dead sheep, by going along with the official narrative about the "rona virus" and "vaccines" and masks, etc
>infested with parasites
I've read reports from people who have de-toxed to get rid of parasites, and theyve included photographs of the parasites they have expelled
It's truly disgusting, the parasites that infect us
weaponization, it should be called
I am truly concerned by your concern
It's interesting that Indian researchers discovered HIV in their study of the Corona virus in early 2020
HIV suppresses the immune response, so that's a nice little additive to couple with an engineered flu virus like Corona
These people really are evil….