leo fbi 3 letter agencies have shifted their focus from protecting and s erving Americans to self serving and protecting self preservation o same agencies and thar taxpayer funded paychecks
in America:
magic bullet theory (read, snipers - assassins)
leo's fbi etc., really good people serving and protecting America from dangers abroad (read, jailing Grandma's and brainswashing into antifa blm commie fascists)
bad aging infrastructure (read, controlled demolition - pancacked right into its own footprint)
you can see the demo fuses flashing as Larry pulls yet another building
awhore&witch ses wut?
poo poo handling her questions on 1-6 and infrastructure in cool measured political tones, un moved by minor events like a building collapse in Florida.
tfw you leave most of the building up and now it's a major crime scene, snicker snicker
cackle cackle
we will not be ignored
FL investigation of collapse will conclude with more speed and integrity
NYC new normal = tittie nipple piercings
biden policy extremes can be summed up in one word:
crack cocaine imprisoned by joe himself disparingly for maximum effect full extent of the legal penalty ; while hunter gets off scoff free and goes hammering big mike
now - defund po po; let criminals off with no penalty and a free gun, brick, and raping kit
send stuttering Joe out looking demented, tired and blown out by poo poo's champ
that'll exhibit pure strength, cuck femininity, and milley critical white male failings in satanic confusion chaos authority
FL building collapse showing a sheared section left (perfectly shaved) of an unstable building, that looks remarkably sturdy after having half of section collapse of it's own construction.
either its props to good construction, engineering, architectureโฆ, or
terrible FF domestic terrorism gone awry
and with the subdued tones coming from msm msdnc fox - , and poo poo laser focusing on1-6 INSURRECTIONISTS
FF bombings; shootings; domestic terrorism
biden garland snoozing put a lid on it and send the fems to collect guns from the crazy milley whiteys
Mayor of Surfside - says pancake demolition reminiscent of "New York 2001"