Anonymous ID: bdd059 June 25, 2021, 1:27 p.m. No.13982832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2891


he was taunting the peeps he had the info on

had to keep their secret for his dead man's switch op

Rusty Shakleford

This was his way of letting out the truth.



Who thinks the FBI are actually good guys?

Who else have they framed?

How were they so cocky to frame DJT POTUS?

Did they get away with it many times before?


good interview yesterday by Lindell TV of an anon FBI who was pressured to make up crimes of the "White Supremacists" by his bosses. Meanwhile, they took all the data he had on the ANTIFA / BLM , showing and proving many crimes, and decided they wouldn't pursue it;

Just as they wouldn't pursue HRC's selling of Top Secret data to foreign entities $$$$.

or any of the material on the various laptops / blackberries that found their way into FBI custody;

Are we seeing a pattern yet?


Look how far they went in instigating Black American vs. White American Hate.

What a coincidence; soon as MLK came out as a non-violent protester to the Viet Nam war,BOOM

And then they smeared MLK for his sex life.

Just as they did with the reputation of Jack Kennedy.

Always the same playbook

Distraction with the Sex angle.

They work hand and hand with the Media?

Otherwise, how did they keep the truth about FBI malfeasance out of the papers?

They don't allow pot? But then cover for Drug dealers? Interesting!

Hypocrites, through and though.

Think of those glossy grins / smirks of Comey and McAbe.

Anonymous ID: bdd059 June 25, 2021, 1:33 p.m. No.13982891   🗄️.is 🔗kun


any of the material on the various laptops / blackberries that found their way into FBI custody;


Weiner laptop

Awan / Wasserman Schultz laptop

Hunter laptop

Awan Blackberries

Server[s] from Benghazi ?

full set of text messages between Strzok and Lisa?

—Wasn't that demanded by Congress and the Executive?

RRosenstein held back the text regarding the "insurance policy"

I wonder why.

Was "insurance policy" code for "contract to kill?"