>Mr Pig is still getting better at this, which is scary.
Anon knew he would, and it should be scary…for the deep state.
Mr. Pig doesn't sail alone.
Steady as she goes, Mr. Pig.
>Mr Pig is still getting better at this, which is scary.
Anon knew he would, and it should be scary…for the deep state.
Mr. Pig doesn't sail alone.
Steady as she goes, Mr. Pig.
Maybe Cyber Ninjas should start a Bank Forensic Audit division.
Wouldn't your lib friend like to know their money is really there?
Normies have little to no clue of how far a cornered deep state will resort to evil measures in order to cover up their crimes against humanity.
>>What is the Great AWAKENING
What is the great awokening.
There is a huge difference in outcomes.
>That's one of those things they got wrong in those trucker movies from the 70s.
10-4, rubber duck.
>what happens when the technological infrastructure they are utterly dependent upon comes crashing down from the razor's edge it is precariously balanced on.
They won't be able to coordinate their evil upon the world like they used to.
Their Bitcoins become Bitvapor.
>>do not reply to shills
Because they get paid to keep you off the research path and focused on engaging them.
>meanwhile, on mainstreet, your brains become zombie food as humans reverted to animal behavior kill each other for that last can of beans in the wreckage of walmart.
Analog equipment will still work.