>>14013333 PB
>Leakin Park, rife with its mysterious dark history and haunting intrigue, is filled with artifacts,and the flotsam and jetsam of yesteryear. The park played host to a wealthy Winan family's Crimea estate, several mills, the Mt. Holly Inn, an old trolley line, two cemeteries, a Bollman Truss bridge, and the home of the Dr. Jesse William Lazear, who cured yellow fever.
I have often thought that cemeteries are a waste of good real estate. Probably because I am a practical person. I suppose we don't really need any more mini malls, but whenever I see a cemetery, I think a nice park would be a better use of the space. Maybe just have a wall with people's names instead of all of those tombstones.
But now, especially with the "conspiracy theory" about Arlington Cemetery possibly having tunnels, etc. under it, I wonder if other cemeteries have things built under them?