>>14016453 (pb)
re"How to Check Timestamps for 'Statistically Impossible' Digits?"
Update: OK, one more search. Anons sometimes notetimestamp deltas between Q posts and tweets. The macro below finds the tweets closest to each Q post timestamp, and looks through the timestamp deltas for instances of '17' in HH, MM, or SS.
Result: There's no obvious anomaly. For example, the percentage of '17' matches in danscavino tweet deltas is similar to that of non-political persons and orgs.
Option: The timestamp delta data can also be checked fortweets that were posted very quickly after Q posts, for example, within a minute. Just sort the spreadsheet's timestamp delta column "AtoZ", which pushes the smallest deltas (quickest tweets) to the top. Here again, there's no obvious anomaly. For example, danscavino tweets were only slightly more likely to drop within a minute of a Q drop, relative to a sampling of non-political persons and orgs. Anyway, nothing jumped out, in that first test.
Macro below. Excel formula screenshots attached.
Sub Count_Seventeens_QPost_Tweet_Time_Deltas()
'Title: Count_Seventeens_QPost_Tweet_Time_Deltas Macro
' Purpose: count instances of '17' time deltas between Q post and nearest tweet, in HH, MM, or SS
' Download tweets to spreadsheet from: https://www.vicinitas.io/free-tools/download-user-tweets
' Max 3200 tweets can be downloaded per Twitter account.
' In your own workbook, create one worksheet per Twitter account.
' For each account, paste downloaded tweet UTC timestamps column (E) to your own worksheet column (A).
' See screenshots for worksheet formulas.
' Get Q post Eastern Time date and timestamps from anon's Google spreadsheet, first tab: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/edit#gid=1919753853
' Merge Q post dates and times: Open a temp Excel worksheet and paste columns of Q post date (Google column B) and Q post time (Google column H). Now you have Excel columns (A) and (B).
' Then create a 3rd temp column (C) to merge them: Formula: =A1+B1. Format custom: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss".
' Now drop the merged Q post datetimes into your working worksheet. Paste into a new inserted column (C). format custom: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
' Now you can find the closest Q post time for each tweet: Formula is in column (D): =INDEX($C$2:$C$4954, MATCH(MIN(ABS($C$2:$C$4954-B3)), ABS($C$2:$C$4954-B3), 0))
' The new macro can run as below, to find instances of '17' in the timestamp HH MM and SS deltas, for tweets closest to Q posts.
' Macro runtime note: set focus on the worksheet you want to calculate before running macro.
Dim rowcounter As Integer
Dim rowcounterstring As String
Dim mytime As Date
Dim mytimestring As String
Dim myreadrange As String
Dim mywriterange As String
For rowcounter = 2 To 3202 'calculate a time digit sum for each row, max 3200 rows returned by ExtendOffice.com / vincinitas.io
rowcounterstring = CStr(rowcounter)
myreadrange = "E" & rowcounterstring
mywriterange = "F" & rowcounterstring
mytime = Range(myreadrange).Value
mytimestring = Format$(mytime, "hh:mm:ss")
If InStr(mytimestring, "17") Then 'score a match
Range(mywriterange).Value = 1
End If
Next rowcounter
End Sub