magic can open different worlds
Movement of JAH people
>About Hollywood?
Mr. Cosby was the first Black actor to win a leading role in a prime-time American series, "I Spy," beginning in 1965.
Graphene in pfizer/BioNtech jab… why?
Graphene-based nano-antennas may enable nanonetworks, terabits-per-second wireless communications
"Georgia Tech engineers have developed a way to use graphene nano-antennas to allow for devices powered by small amounts of scavenged energy.
With antennas made from conventional materials like copper, communication between low-power nanomachines would be virtually impossible. That’s because at that size, antennas normally operate at higher frequencies.
The communications challenge is that at the micron scale, metallic antennas would have to operate at frequencies of hundreds of terahertz*, but their range would be limited by propagation losses to just a few microns (millionths of a meter). And they’d require lots of power — more power than nanomachines are likely to have.
But by taking advantage of the unique electronic properties of graphene, the researchers found, graphene could generate an electronic “surface wave” that would allow nanonetworks of antennas just one micron long and 10 to 100 nanometers wide to do the work of much larger antennas, based on their modeling and simulations.
“We are exploiting the peculiar propagation of electrons in graphene to make a very small antenna that can radiate at much lower frequencies than classical metallic antennas of the same size,” said Ian Akyildiz, a Ken Byers Chair professor in Telecommunications in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology."
Schematic shows how surface plasmon polariton (SPP) waves would be formed on the surface of tiny antennas fabricated from graphene. The antennas would be about one micron long and 10 to 100 nanometers wide. (Credit: Ian Akyildiz and Josep Jornet)
"Internet of nanothings" to enable integration into everything, such as biological and chemical nanosensors for advanced health monitoring systems
December 30, 2013
"“When electrons in graphene are excited by an incoming electromagnetic wave, for instance, they start moving back and forth,” explained Akyildiz. “Because of the unique properties of the graphene, this global oscillation of electrical charge results in a confined electromagnetic wave on top of the graphene layer.”
Known technically as a “surface plasmon polariton” (SPP) wave, the effect will allow the nano-antennas to operate at the low end of the terahertz frequency range, between 0.1 and 10 terahertz — instead of at 150 terahertz with traditional copper antennas at nanoscale sizes. For transmitting, the SPP waves can be created by injecting electrons into the dielectric layer beneath the graphene sheet.
Materials such as gold, silver and other noble metals also can support the propagation of SPP waves, but only at much higher frequencies than graphene. Conventional materials such as copper don’t support the waves.
By allowing electromagnetic propagation at lower terahertz frequencies, the SPP waves require less power — putting them within range of what might be feasible for nanomachines operated by energy harvesting technology pioneered by Zhong Lin Wang, a professor in Georgia Tech’s School of Materials Science and Engineering.
“With this antenna, we can cut the frequency by two orders of magnitude and cut the power needs by four orders of magnitude,” said Jornet. “Using this antenna, we believe the energy-harvesting techniques developed by Dr. Wang would give us enough power to create a communications link between nanomachines.”
“We believe that this is just the beginning of a new networking and communications paradigm based on the use of graphene.”
The researchers are also working on graphene-based nanoscale transceivers and the transmission protocols necessary for communication between nanomachines.
Terabits-per-second wireless networks
The nanomachines in the network that the researchers envision would include several integrated components. In addition to the energy-harvesting nanogenerators, there would be nanoscale sensing, processing and memory technologies, which are under development by other groups. The nanoscale antenna and transceiver work being done at Georgia Tech would allow the devices to communicate the information they sense and process to the outside world."
"Hundreds or thousands of graphene antenna-transceiver sets might also be combined to help full-size cellular phones and Internet-connected laptops communicate faster."
"“The terahertz band can boost current data rates in wireless networks by more than two orders of magnitude,” Akyildiz noted. “The data rates in current cellular systems are up to one gigabit-per-second in LTE advanced networks or 10 gigabits-per-second in millimeter wave (or 60 gigahertz) systems. We expect data rates on the order of terabits-per-second in the terahertz band.”
The unique properties of graphene are critical to this antenna — and other future electronic devices, Akyildiz says. “Graphene is a very powerful nanomaterial that will dominate our lives in the next half-century,” he said. “The European community will be supporting a very large consortium involving many universities and companies with an investment of one billion euros to conduct research into this material.”
The researchers have so far evaluated numerous nano-antenna designs using modeling and simulation techniques in their laboratory. The next step will be to actually fabricate a graphene nano-antenna and operate it using a transceiver also based on graphene."
"“The terahertz band can boost current data rates in wireless networks by more than two orders of magnitude,” Akyildiz noted. “The data rates in current cellular systems are up to one gigabit-per-second in LTE advanced networks or 10 gigabits-per-second in millimeter wave (or 60 gigahertz) systems. We expect data rates on the order of terabits-per-second in the terahertz band.”
The unique properties of graphene are critical to this antenna — and other future electronic devices, Akyildiz says. “Graphene is a very powerful nanomaterial that will dominate our lives in the next half-century,” he said. “The European community will be supporting a very large consortium involving many universities and companies with an investment of one billion euros to conduct research into this material.”
The researchers have so far evaluated numerous nano-antenna designs using modeling and simulation techniques in their laboratory. The next step will be to actually fabricate a graphene nano-antenna and operate it using a transceiver also based on graphene."
“For example, these can be incorporated into biological and chemical nanosensors to ultimately create Wireless NanoSensor Networks (WNSNs), with applications in advanced health monitoring systems. The size of the individual wireless nanosensor mote would allow the integration of WNSNs in virtually everything, from the fabrics of our clothing to the coating of a vehicle, or even inside the human body.”
They could also be used in new biological and chemical hazard detection systems, he said.
“Similarly, the very small size of the graphene-based nano-antennas and nanotransceivers makes them also suitable for Wireless Network-on-Chip (WNoC) applications. For example, very high-speed wireless links across nanoprocessors can enable transformative designs in high-performance large-scale multi-core computing architectures.
“On the other hand, the proposed graphene-based nano-antennas and nanotransceivers are a potentially enabling technology for ultra-broadband communications in the THz Band. The increasing demand for higher speed wireless communication “anywhere, anytime” has motivated the exploration of higher spectral bands for communication. By moving to the THz Band, very high transmission bandwidths become available (from tens to hundreds of GHz, at least, and up to a few THz).
“For the time being, challenges in the generation and detection of THz Band radiation from compact transceivers have limited the potential of this field. Graphene brings the THz Band one step closer to practical applications in short-range (up to a few meters at most) wireless communication and networks. For example, we can think of ultra-high-speed wireless networks as well as ultra-fast data transfers among nearby devices (e.g., to transfer the content of a blue-ray disk to an iPad would take approximately less than a second).
“The current work is mainly based on novel analytical models as well as accurate simulations. We expect to have a working prototype of the antenna within 6 months to 1 year. In parallel, we are working on the idea of an entire transceiver based on graphene. The commercialization of the technology will still have to wait at least a few years. One of the main challenges is actually the industrial manufacturing of high quality graphene structures, which is needed for practical commercialization.”
The research was supported by the National Science Foundation.
Frequency in Hz = c/wavelength in meters, where c = 3×108. So for an antenna 1 micron (10-6 meters) long, the resonant frequency would be 3×1014 or 100 THz.
Ian Akyildiz et al., IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, in press
Graphene-Based NanoAntennasMay Enable Networks of Tiny Machines
New starch andgraphene hydrogel geared towards electrodes for brain implants
The Materials+ Technology research group at the UPV/EHU’s Faculty of Engineering has, in collaboration with the University of Strasbourg, developed unique hydrogels with potential biomedical applications. Starch was used as the raw material and a 3D network structure was produced. When graphene and salvia extracts were added, the hydrogel was provided with electrical properties as well as the necessary antibacterial ones.
Hydrogels with electrical and antibacterial properties suitable for neural interfaces have been createdin a piece of work at the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country
Analysis of Vaccination Vial Confirms Presence of Graphene Nanoparticles VIDEO
Analysis of Vaccination Vial Confirms Presence of Graphene Nanoparticles [VIDEO]
Tap News / Weaver
ER Editor: This video presentation by a Spanish biostatistician and a doctor presents evidence of graphene nanoparticles in the vaccine. However, as far as we can tell, they don’t indicate which vaccine the sample has been drawn from. We suspect it may be from one of the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna), as the magnetic effect has been found in people who’ve had them. However, it is people with the AZ vaccine who’ve been able to turn on bluetooth devices by simply approaching them. We’re not sure.
There is a 9-minute video presentation way down in the article with English subtitles.
In program No. 63, La Quinta Columna (biostatistician Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano) shared some of the many photographs of the analyses that the team of researchers with whom they work have obtained after subjecting the substance to different techniques to determine each of its components.
As promised, they have delivered; the results are mind-blowing. Their theories about the presence of graphene oxide in the vials have been confirmed: there is definitely graphene oxide in the vials. All the suspicions they had about it have been allayed.
This program has been, perhaps, the most important to date due to the amount of information and evidence presented.
During the transmission, Ricardo Delgado clarified the following: “First of all, we are not saying that we are anti-vaccine. The problem is that this is not a vaccine, this is a dose of graphene to a person.“
As always, Orwell City has selected the key moments of the program along with the explanations given by La Quinta Columna.
"When the time comes, this information will be made public and will be made known to all of you, of course. And from then on, you will have to decide from now on, you should decide what you have to do: not to submit to this process of inoculation of graphene to the whole population. Do not allow under any circumstances —well, I do not even have to tell you anything about keeping your children away from being inoculated with this material— you yourselves, your relatives, to be directly grapheneated, to be inoculated with graphene oxide, because that is what is in the vial. Because that is what is in the vial. Do you want to comment something José Luis before closing the live broadcast??
Dr. José Luis Sevillano: No, just that: that every day that goes by, there are more people with magnetic arms and they are people who are on our side. But we have that imminence at our doorstep that gets us in and we have to hurry. We have to make a lot of people aware, as many people as we can. That’s my message today. And reason and truth are on our side. There is no complex. Anyone who contradicts this information about the vial, etcetera, etcetera, well, nothing happens; let him explain to you why the arm is magnetic. Even if he tells you: “It does not exist“, then let him tell millions of people who wear it. So we have reason and truth on our side and we want very much that we and the people of the generations to come are not magnetically marked cattle, controlled from a distance and made sick because of that control. We have a challenge. Never has humanity had such an important challenge and we have to fight the battle."
many more electron AND optical microscope pics at sauce
Graphene nanotech neural implant company INBRAIN Neuroelectronicsreceives €14.35 million investment
, 30 March 2021
INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, a spin-off Graphene Flagship partners the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) and ICREA, Spain, has received a €14.35 million Series A investment, one of the biggest rounds in the Spanish MedTech industry. The investment will allow INBRAIN to bring their novel neurotechnology to humans for the first time.
INBRAIN Neuroelectronics was established in 2019, at the intersection between MedTech, DeepTech and Digital Health, with a mission to decode brain signals to develop medical solutions for patients with epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders. The company designs small implantable brain intelligent systems – built around an innovative nanoscale graphene electrode – with the ability to interpret brain signals with unprecedented high fidelity, producing a therapeutic response adapted to the clinical condition of each patient.
Disruptive technology based on graphene
Existing brain interfaces are based on metals such as platinum and iridium, which impose significant restrictions in terms of miniaturisation and signal resolution, and therefore cause considerable side effects. For this reason, there is a 50% rejection rate in candidate patients. INBRAIN Neuroelectronics uses a disruptive technology based on graphene which will overcome the current limitations of metal-based neural interfaces.
According to a 2010 study commissioned by the European Brain Council, the cost of brain disorders in Europe alone is approximately €800 billion per year, with more than one-third of the population affected. Around 30% of patients with a neuronal disease are resistant to pharmacological treatment and do not have an effective therapy. The high incidence of brain-related diseases worldwide, and their huge social cost, call for greater investments in basic research in this field, with the aim of developing new and more efficient therapeutic and diagnostic tools.
In June last year, INBRAIN received a first-seed investment from a syndicate of investors led by Asabys Partners (through Sabadell-Asabys Health Innovation Investment) and Alta Life Sciences, including the Institut Català de Finances (ICF), Finaves (IESE Business School) and BStartUp. The most recent investment was co-led by Asabys Partners and Alta Life Sciences, and joined by Vsquared Ventures, a DeepTech-focused early-stage venture capitalist based in Munich; TruVenturo GmbH, Germany’s most successful tech and life science company builders; and CDTI, at the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Cinzia Spinato, Graphene Flagship Business Developer for Biomedical Applications, said: “INBRAIN is leading the way in the field of graphene-based implantable brain devices, and I hope that this success will raise the interest of new stakeholders and corporates towards the opportunities graphene offers in the healthcare domain. I remember when INBRAIN was born, and it is impressive how they have grown so fast: transforming a laboratory technology into a product – an outstanding milestone. This investment will be fundamental to speed up the development of graphene-based medical devices, which will be tested on patients much earlier than everyone expected.”
Technological transformation
INBRAIN Neuroelectronics is bringing a complete technological transformation to the treatment of neurological diseases. Its brain implantable intelligent systems are based on graphene electrodes, which allow miniaturisation to nanoscale fabrication, with the potential to reach single-neuron resolution. The extraordinary properties of graphene – which is light, biocompatible, flexible and extremely conductive – are harnessed in much smaller devices that are safer to implant and can be programmed, upgraded and recharged wirelessly.
Driven by artificial intelligence, the implant can learn from the brain of each patient and trigger adaptive responses to deliver personalised neurological therapy. In addition, the use of big data management will permit remote monitoring of the device and data processing.
The technology has already been validated in in vitro and in vivo, and biocompatibility and toxicity tests have been successful. Studies on large animals have been completed and the investment will bring the technology to human patients, in collaboration with key neurosurgical and neurological groups in Europe.
“This substantial investment exemplifies the growing interest and ever-expanding opportunities to exploit graphene and layered materials in the biomedical domain. Due to its unique properties, graphene has the potential to transform this application area. The Graphene Flagship has chosen biomedical applications as a focus area for commercialisation, and continues to support efforts to foster new innovations – from research to the factory floor, now and into future.”
— Kari Hjelt, Graphene Flagship Head of Innovation
The Graphene Flagship, Funded by the European Commission, aims to secure a major role for Europe in the ongoing technological revolution, helping to bring graphene innovation out of the lab and into commercial applications."
"In recent years, researchers have been building artificial neurons and synapses with some success but without the flexibility needed for learning. However, this first-of-its-kind synthetic synapse mimics the plasticity of the brain, bringing science one step closer to human-like artificial intelligence."
"the internet of bodies
We’re entering the era of the “Internet of Bodies”: collecting our physical data via a range of devices that can be implanted, swallowed or worn.
The result is a huge amount of health-related data that could improve human wellbeing around the world, and prove crucial in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.
" As the Internet of Bodies spreads into every aspect of our existence, we are facing a range of new challenges. ""
Analysis ofGraphene Antenna Properties for 5G Applications
Open AccessArticle
Analysis of Graphene Antenna Properties for 5G Applications
by Siti Nor Hafizah Sa’don 1,Mohd Haizal Jamaluddin 1,*OrcID,Muhammad Ramlee Kamarudin 2,Fauzan Ahmad 3,Yoshihide Yamada 3,Kamilia Kamardin 3 andIzni Husna Idris 4
Wireless Communication Centre, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru 81310, Malaysia
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat 86400, Malaysia
Department of Electronic Systems Engineering, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, Kuala Lumpur 54100, Malaysia
Division of Communication Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru 81310, Malaysia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sensors 2019, 19(22), 4835;
Received: 11 September 2019 / Revised: 26 October 2019 / Accepted: 31 October 2019 / Published: 6 November 2019
(This article belongs to the Section Sensor Materials)
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The incoming 5G technology requires antennas with a greater capacity, wider wireless spectrum utilisation, high gain, and steer-ability. This is due to the cramped spectrum utilisation in the previous generation. As a matter of fact, conventional antennas are unable to serve the new frequency due to the limitations in fabrication and installation mainly for smaller sizes. The use of graphene material promises antennas with smaller sizes and thinner dimensions, yet capable of emitting higher frequencies. Hence, graphene antennas were studied at a frequency of 15 GHz in both single and array elements. The high-frequency antenna contributed to a large bandwidth and was excited by coplanar waveguide for easy fabrication on one surface via screen printing. The defected ground structure was applied in an array element to improve the radiation and increase the gain. The results showed that the printed, single element graphene antenna produced an impedance bandwidth, gain, and efficiency of 48.64%, 2.87 dBi, and 67.44%, respectively. Meanwhile, the array element produced slightly better efficiency (72.98%), approximately the same impedance bandwidth as the single element (48.98%), but higher gain (8.41 dBi). Moreover, it provided a beam width of 21.2° with scanning beam capability from 0° up to 39.05°. Thus, it was proved that graphene materials can be applied in 5G.
"This tiny antenna is comparable with other thin film metals and offers another selection for alternative methods to produce smaller-sized antennas. The challenge in this work was to control the dielectric substrate and conductivity of graphene during the curing process which caused a slightly different result. In the future, the graphene antenna can be improved by using a higher conductivity graphene ink or the choice of graphene ink must not involve a curing process for maintaining conductivity and dielectric stability."
Baker all that GRAPHENE stuff is
please NOTICE next bred.