What BLM has become:
This movement has turned from caring about young black men leading dead end lives to
advocating the murder of police and terrorizing citizens. It has become about disarming
citizens so that criminals can run rampant to loot, rape, and murder without fear.
The BLM movement is America’s newest terrorist group.
Advocates argue that their righteous movement has been hijacked by a few radicals. These are
the same fools who claim the TEA Party is the KKK and believe the lies that the four criminal
examples were innocent victims of racist police. This happens every time the Left produces
any activists of their ideology because their ideology and morals are entirely corrupt.
A movement built on a lie is always the opposite of what they claim to be. Democrats condemn
the TEA Party for contesting Democrat policies that are destroying America as vile racist
hate, and then laud BLM chanting for the murders of police. Obama supports this movement
making such statements as, “If I had a son he’d look like Trayvon.”
The American Left is the heart of racist hate.
Sept 2015 Black Lives Matter – An Analysis of America’s Newest Hate Group
[aka…Burn Loot Murder]