Anonymous ID: 60d05e July 1, 2021, 7:37 a.m. No.14029436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9515


abortion solved their visibility problems re: getting the kids/babies for sacrifice

now they have loads of babies on demand

if they lose abortion what will they do?

how far are we from worldwide legal abortion abatement?

gonna take a massive awakening

via the airwaves

sounds like something only the military can do

how can the plan require such delays given the daily cost in lives?

we don't know shit it feels like

they have augmented the voluntary sacrifice of babies with the voluntary suicides by fentanyl

but those deaths are not as truly complicit on the part of the partially complicit youth primarily

in both cases extensive brainwashing is needed though for the mother/parents and for the "drug addict"

both sets were sold a lie in their contract with the devil

but the mom murders and sacrifices her child to moloch

and the drug user sacrifices themself

not sure which is more satisfying to evil

guessing abortion is their favorite mass technique

ritual sacrifice likely their absolute favorite but can't sustain the carnage volume they need to keep the realm in low frequency hell

drugs keep their numbers up though

they are very good at this and we can see it

but we can't do shit about it

they would love for the awake to take matters in their own hands since it would lead to more low vibration carnage and the destruction of the lives of most anyone who takes action without the expicit government mandate to do so

it's like a catch-22, this demonic worldwide arrangement

how will the removal/destruction of all those mortals responsible for this be accomplished?

cause it needs to happen but we can't do it ourselves, those who see it

in ages past we could

good could fight

really fight, and kill the ones responsible

now what?

is keeping good in check the only true role of the worldwide government control system?