Dr Fred Klenner cured polio (and many other diseases / infections) repeated with high dose, intravenous vitamin C:
"He got to know the vulnerability of viruses so well, he played games with them.
“When proper amounts are used it will destroy all virus organisms.” He could give one gram of ascorbic acid every four hours and modify the disease symptoms, but if he gave one gram every two hours by mouth for four days, he had stopped the disease, apparently by killing the virus.
If he gave this dose for only two days, the symptoms returned. (He kept measles
simmering in his own children for a month by giving this dose for two days, then off for two then on, etc.)
With 350 mg per kilogram of body weight every two hours, he could stop measles
and dry up chicken pox. If he could get in the vein, 400 mg per kilogram two to three
times in 24 hours was all that was required (he published this way back in 1951, in
the Southern Medical Surgical Journal).
He used protamide and it seemed to shorten the course of the course of the disease
(it is a colloidal solution of denatured proteolytic enzyme). It was especially valuable
in herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Dr. Klenner felt that Vitamin C is related to this
enzyme, as it possesses the same anti-neuritic properties. If used together, the
results are more dramatic than either one used alone (the C was used as usual and
the protamide was limited to one ampoule per day). Influenza andpoliomyelitisalso
responded rapidly to this dual approach. "