I just read an article in my old hometown. The rules for school board meetings are being changed… so many people are attending and speaking out, that now they’re going to limit their time, and draw by lottery to speak. Frustrating, but how nice to see people finally standing up and attending these meetings!
T y. And you don’t even need to have kids still in school, to attend. Ours are grown now but we are taxpayers in a new district. We banded with other like minded and successfully got the schools to get rid of masks for the kids. Show up, be polite, well spoken with facts and firm.
Regarding CNN, in 1996 we took the tour of CNN/weather channel. Our tour guide was relaying insider jokes and stories. One story he told us, was when a TWC reporter was supposed “on location” in some remote area, and reporting back and forth with the studio. The tour guide was laughing, saying the channel had pulled a fast one on the viewers, as the so-called remote location, was actually out the back door of the studio there in Atlanta. I was amazed they could do that but also disgusted…looking back it was my first redpill moment.
Dogs don’t purposely give “a look”. Humans assign an emotion to it.
I’m not that anon.
>remaining retards here.
So creepy! In all seriousness though, reminds me of my grandpa when his cognitive decline started…became more secretive and childlike in his mannerisms.