There are no laws or crimes if you don't get caught. "Do as thou whilst shall be the whole of the Law."
put a ounce of water in a vacuum in zero g; what shape does it form?
Why would the materials that make up the Earth form a different shape as they coalesced into a planet in zero gravity? They wouldn't.
Option A: Sphere shaped planets in a Solar System like we were taught.
Option B: We are in a procedurally generated holographic shared (maybe unshared?) simulation where the world forms around us as we move through it to minimize processing power.
A natural Universe with flat realms is fucking retarded.
"Two and a half Jews". Coming this Fall on ABC.
Will read, thanks.
How do you know you are not already in one? The real you could wake up and only 15 minutes would have passed in your prime reality. Life is a dream.