Anonymous ID: 123234 July 1, 2021, 6:05 p.m. No.14033599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3615 >>3634 >>3688 >>3804 >>3815 >>3950 >>3967 >>4018 >>4056 >>4080 >>4109 >>4126

Hello anons so after 4 years of a Bidan presidency and nothing happens, will you vote one of Trumps kids in for four years so they can do nothing as well? Starting to see the bigger picture now? Trump supports zionist Israeli policies during his four years? Creates his entire base to have the optics of white supremists? Illusion of choice? Illusion of resistance? Trump and Biden always on the same side? This is a very old game (define kayfabe). They have evolved to make the population actually believe there is resistance to the NWO. Nothing ever happens, nothing ever will. History repeats itself.


Do you really believe Q was anything other than a LARP at this point? If Patriots were "in control" they would have actually… done something in four years? Trump just ensured the billions kept flowing into Israel and supporting zionist Israeli policies. No resistance to Israel. Remember that time Q said "we're saving Israel for last"? Yeah, good times. I love fairy tales. They had four years to cease sending hundreds of billions of dollars to a country the size of Rhode Island with a population of six and a half million people. No one can explain why. Why did Trump so openly support Israel when its supposed to be deconstructed? Trump surrounded himself with zionists and traitors after saying "he picks the best people".


Illuminati has evolved to convince you there are two sides battling. There is no good and evil. There are only competing agendas. Q was hopium that delivered no fix.

Anonymous ID: 123234 July 1, 2021, 6:06 p.m. No.14033607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3738 >>3953


Trump has always been Israel first.

There is no good and evil.

There is only China and Israel.

There are only globalists and zionists.

Trump = Israel Biden = China.

You were just too naive and distracted by Q to see it.

Billions of dollars sent to Israel while Q says they're saving Israel for last?

Saving every last American taxpayers dollar for them.

Why do you think Trump surrounded himself with zionists?

Why do you think Trump made it illegal to say anything antisemitic?

Do you really think after all this that Trump was humanity's savior?

No, he just protected Israel like a good little puppet.

The cognitive dissonance will be difficult for most of you to see through after being brainwashed by Q.

Just remember Trump and Q had four years to deliver something, anything.

All they delivered was more money to the zionists.

Whether you know it or not, you were programmed for four years into an Israel first psyop.

🐇 meet 🎩

Anonymous ID: 123234 July 1, 2021, 6:07 p.m. No.14033610   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump and Q are the greatest kayfabe to ever deceive the American pop in all history.

There never was a resistance to the cabal.

For thousands of years the illuminati modus operandi is to fool the public into thinking there are two sides battling.

They have been evolving.

Same dragon different head.

There is no good and evil.

The planned march on Washington insurrection, "the plan", planned decades ago.

Greatest deception in history.

No big names have been arrested as promised.

No one ever will be.

Illuminati puts all their plans in plain sight years ahead of time.

"Enough is enough" was planned years ago, and no one better to execute it for his zionist masters than old Don boy.

You did well Don, country is more divided than ever.

Trump lead all his sheep directly into the slaughterhouse and they praised him every step of the way.

If Patriots were "in control" the deep state would all be rotting in prison.

No, instead Trump is playing golf with his zionist friends while the country burns.

Gen.Flynn is grifting Q t-shirts for ends meat.

Adm. Rogers is working directly for Israeli intelligence now and denies election fraud.

Rudy the pedophile Giuliani lost his right to practice law.

The wall is left unfinished after wasting billions and exhausting the military.

The country is more polarized and divided than ever.

Almost as if it was always planned that way.

Patriots are not in control.

Anonymous ID: 123234 July 1, 2021, 6:13 p.m. No.14033638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3661



The only BIG thing Donny knows how to do is go bankrupt and fuck over the country when he had a chance to fix it instead of delivering back to the deep state. Well that is assuming he isn't deep state. Which he most likely is.

Anonymous ID: 123234 July 1, 2021, 6:18 p.m. No.14033678   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ah huh. Nothing will happen in 4 years. Kamala will take the prez and go unhindered for the full term. You just keep waiting for "the plan". Year after year has and will continue to pass by while your tax dollars get sent to Israel.