Hello niggerfaggots so did Q have all the deep state rounded up and arrested today or should I check back in another three or four years?
Good evening sycophantic praise faggot if they are going full Declas then why not Declas the full details of the boars takeover from 8Bit that went completely hush hush and no one was ever told shit about it. Still curious about that one.
I have every single post of flapjacks screenshotted on my pc regarding the takeover. He said "they" as in a group of them wrestled power away because of something he did but didnt want to tell anyone else to maintain integrity.
Sunday night 7pm eastern I'll post it all, be on here faggot you'll get the sauce.
Oh I have that as well. I have it all. It's obvious they leveraged or blackmailed him to get him out otherwise we would have been given an explanation. The way you talk I'm guessing you're either ban hammer BV or flapjack?