Anonymous ID: f492b1 July 10, 2021, 7:25 a.m. No.14094256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4329 >>4410 >>4614 >>4925

WATCH: New York Doctor Who Created Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) & Zinc COVID-19 Treatment Bashes U.S. Doctors & Experimental Jabs

15 Mins Ago


The suppression of safe and effective treatments for COVID-19 will go down in history as crimes against humanity.


Hundreds of thousands of American lives would have been spared if not for greed and corruption amongst government bureaucrats and Big Pharma.


Thankfully, there is a minority of doctors uncorrupted by politics who worked diligently to find viable COVID-19 treatments.


And without the risks of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines that serve to enrich pharmaceutical companies with record profits.


One such person is upstate New York family physician Dr. Vladimir Zelenko.


Zelenko created the HCQ & Zinc treatment, which had profound results in his local community.


In a recent interview with LifeSiteNews, Zelenko gave background information for the treatment plan and its results.


LifeSiteNews shared these details from the interview:


Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, the New York doctor who pioneered the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and zinc as treatment for COVID-19, gave a lengthy interview to LifeSiteNews explaining why this protocol has been so successful. Speaking with LifeSite’s Claire Chretien, Zelenko discussed coronavirus vaccines and the “group of sociopaths” that wants to administer these injections to the entire world, as well as the rampant censorship of information about treating the virus.


Zelenko has been a family physician for two decades in upstate New York. COVID-19 swept through that area at the advent of the coronavirus outbreak in March 2020. Of the more severe cases of the Wuhan coronavirus at that time, most patients were put on respirators, but “80 to 90 percent of people on a respirator were dying, so that wasn’t a very good treatment model,” Zelenko noted.


From 3,000 COVID-positive patients under his care, Zelenko identified 1,000 as “high risk” with whom his HCQ- and zinc-based medical intervention “reduced the death rate from 7.5 percent, to less than half a percent.”


“That is an 84 percent reduction in hospitalization and death.”


“Out of the 600,000 dead Americans that we have, we could have prevented 510,000 from going to the hospital and dying.”


Yet this protocol hasn’t been widely adopted by the medical community. Many Americans who caught the coronavirus found their doctors wouldn’t prescribe Hydroxychloroquine, or pharmacists wouldn’t fill prescriptions for it.


“It has been embraced by world-leading physicians who are honest and capable of deductive reasoning and are not indoctrinated,” Zelenko told LifeSite, but “unfortunately, 90 percent of physicians in this country are incapable of independent thought.”


“The net result is that they follow blindly the recommendations of their employers or government agencies without using common sense. They just follow orders, like the Nazis did.”

Anonymous ID: f492b1 July 10, 2021, 7:49 a.m. No.14094359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4379 >>4437



Did you read the whole article? Sounds like sound judgement to me. Nothing is mentioned about this is the entity that is the exclusive care giver for private community that the main demographic is young children and who potentially had this protocol before the plandemic hit

Anonymous ID: f492b1 July 10, 2021, 8:38 a.m. No.14094533   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It may well be that, but what he is saying is real and works. Isnt Truth what we are supposed to be after? Isnt truth what we are supposed to be getting out to the masses? Is the vaccine not what he says it is?


Therein lies my point.

Anonymous ID: f492b1 July 10, 2021, 9:28 a.m. No.14094671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4925

Update on 10,300 Illegal Votes Found in Georgia

By Jim Hoft

Published July 10, 2021 at 9:45am


With each day the proof of the 2020 election fraud becomes more evident.


This updated evidence shows over 10,300 people voted in a GA county they no longer lived in. These are illegal votes according to Georgia law and nearly Trump’s loss margin of 12,670 votes. This list is growing as more people update their GA voter registration file with their new address.


Under Georgia law residents must vote in the county where they live, unless they move within 30 days of the election. So if you moved in October 3rd 2020 or earlier, you were required to vote in the county of your new address. Mark Davis, the president of Data Productions, Inc. is an expert in voter data analytics and residency issues. Since the Nov. 3rd election he’s been analyzing the Post Office National Change of Address (NCOA) data and voter registration data from the GA Secretary of State.