Anonymous ID: 46212b July 14, 2021, 12:05 a.m. No.14119617 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>14119339 you are lying. whether ignorant or deluded matters not.
Anonymous ID: 46212b July 14, 2021, 12:11 a.m. No.14119633 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>14119506 another whom q has driven mad.
Anonymous ID: 46212b July 14, 2021, 12:20 a.m. No.14119657 🗄️.is 🔗kun _>>>14119645 battlefield… in the mind… ideas. one whom does not grasp the concept of it`s world being completely controlled by satanic child eaters. >>14119645 you should be culled.