Anonymous ID: 8e8d15 July 16, 2021, 11:36 p.m. No.14141059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1145


I don't think their plans were really all that good in the first place. They still would lose, but it would be a more costly loss for all involved.


Consider - Hillary was supposed to lose via "russian" hackers, making Trump and his supporters national security threats and throw the military into confusion. Consider that the case for Trump and his supporters being rooskies would need to be much stronger than just things like the steele dossier if you want the military to have any kind of movement toward domestic policing.

While people like millet are woke walrus whores, they are a minority of the military and getting a true suppression of trumpism from a political standpoint requires more for the general staff than media fanfare that can confuse all the normies.

But this wouldn't have changed the underlying political ideologies. Rare would be the person who saw the "trump is a russian asset who stole the election" narrative succeed and say "gosh, I guess I am wrong about my views on government." At best, there could have been a bit of a chilling effect, but you would quite possibly have seen a fracture of the military under that scenario as there were many who would have risked treason to prevent a hillary presidency.


Keep in mind that they are basically accusing Trump of what they planned to try using Hillary - and failed.


They would have tried stirring up shit in Syria and still released covid - but I don't see a situation in which this would have gone especially well for them. At best, it would simply have been more destructive to everyone and they would still have more people enthralled under their 'spell.'


The damage to infrastructure would have been immense, many of their fiercest opponents are the most productive people whose abdication of their job and even turning on it to deny the infrastructurento them would knock us back to the horse and buggy. Or… More likely some weird post-collapse world where we live like Eastern Europe amid the ruins of the Roman empire - or the Inner Sphere amid the ruins of the Star League.


Trump kind of forced the mask off of them and his relative success sidelined the most dangerous parts of their plan and forced them to try and work it in otherwise.


As "bad" as the January 6th 'riot' was - it was easy enough to subvert. How absurd is it that the democrats have no choice but to use it as their rallying event - and it is on the level of a frat party?


When you have their playbook, you don't prevent them from taking their moves. You can't take away the opponent's right to vote on how the battle unfolds. You just make sure they have plenty of assistance in moving the way that best suits you.

Wei Wu Wei is the concept. Rather than hard countering everything, you simply make little twists or slight turns in the course of destiny to make things happen smoothly and efficiently.


The types who believe they can control fate and destiny fundamentally reject the idea that there is such a thing as underlying fate/destiny and think the world is free for the taking - that they are unbound from everything if only they have enough power.


But a true sage, one who has grasped the divine insight, knows that a carefully timed interuption from a beggar can change the course of nations - and has no scruples acting as beggar or HuanDai if the role is required.

That is the funny thing about the Chinese pantheon - many of their divines seem to revere the lives of mortals - often choosing to live among and phase between the living. The old man playing a game outside the equivalent of a diner may be the Jade Emperor looking to have a chat with people … Because why not?


And then you have the myths of the zodiac… Of them, my favorite is the order of the zodiac and the dragon's role. Effectively God decides to hold a race to determine the order - and the dragon decides to do almost everything but the race - not caring what position he comes in. "Okay, god, yes - I came in fifth. While you were having this race, I was answering prayers for rain and saving a rabbit from drowning - oh, here he is now. Priorities. Do you have them?"

Anonymous ID: 8e8d15 July 16, 2021, 11:55 p.m. No.14141115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1133


Secret audits would be rather difficult to conduct. At least as we have seen with the audit in Arizona. It is possible that higher speed audits could have been performed using digital means on the systems involved and that this could be used once the public side audits gained traction.


Though I think this is kind of six of one and half dozen of the other. People are finally fed up with the election day bullshit. People like me, who personally voted inside of ten minutes and directly deposited our ballot into the machine (which, I do think we can make a better open verifiable standard than the third party nonsense - but that's another argument) have no tolerance for these shenanigans in other regions with higher populations who get to count until they get the result they want or take any ballot that comes in - just so that two weeks later they can claim they certified a win….

Democracy is a simulated war at an assumed 1:1 attrition ratio. Taking the process too far causes people to call that assumption into question.

Even if there wasn't a Trump-planned sting operation, the country was more than prepared to conduct its own. It's not like this has been the first corrupt election.

Anonymous ID: 8e8d15 July 17, 2021, 1:39 a.m. No.14141391   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think this line of reasoning is often used to justify serfdom. If there wasn't a system keeping people in a position of dire need, then they would not work.

Not saying you mean it this way, but we have generally seen that people will work to gain better things. People's wants are boundless.


The thing is that most of these "no need to work" society models insist on punishing the ground work. For example - if I was on unemployment right now, why would I go to work in a factory when I can pretend to look for work and get paid enough to live and just play games? Working doesn't help me earn more, it just means I replace what could be 'free' with my own efforts, and that makes little sense.


If everyone owned their home and the land they are on and had few to no debts - then they would not work to improve their homes or make new and better things? Or buy new/other land to develop how they want?

People do not need debt and serfdom to justify working.

However, if you own both the monetary system and their debt, then you can try and steer their efforts into what you think is worth rewarding. Farming? That just feeds society, no need to allow that to be reflect fair market value. Prop up the job of accounting ball fluffers who make the stonks look like stonks. Just not the idiots who keep shorting game stop.


Though, at present, the democrats are trying to speed run Mao-io World and the collapse of the currency is going to be interesting to say the least. It is worth noting the distinction between a U.S. Dollar and a Federal Reserve Note… But how all of that will play out in practice will be a first. No country in history has truly survived a currency destruction, before and, arguably, no matter what happens, we will be something different on the other side of this, as well.

Anonymous ID: 8e8d15 July 17, 2021, 1:53 a.m. No.14141427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1431 >>1439 >>1479


From what I have seen, while there is some fuckery in the mil, most of it is fuckery with the mil. It's top-down efforts to impose via HR the way the commies always try it.

But there is a bit more to it than that. Military recruitment is down and so that is where you get the "go broke, try woke" approach from. The midwest that has been the staple of U.S. military service has generally stopped enlisting. Forever wars and missions changing with the politics creates a lot of disinterest. So, the military is trying to target a demographic that has never been appealed to, before - and while there are some takers, the proglets in HR forget that they spent decades pumping the idea that the military is for hicks, retards, and people facing criminal conviction. So trying to appeal to the glitter glows whoring themselves out for college debt relief is probably not going to get a solid response. Offer student loan forgiveness and not only could you enlist breeding sows willingly, you could field a land war in asia.


What has been done to the younger generations should, bluntly, see every boomer in jail. The real inflationary wave is going to come amid boomer retirement and drawing against social security…. Which is insolvent and the boomer memes of increasing social security payments to track the living wage are already abundant. They were promised and entitled and are going to demand even if it kills the nation.


It should be written into the constitution that the only exception to free speech is supporting a central bank and fiat currency. That should get the immediate fucking death penalty. I am being a bit hyperbolic, but serious… One cannot be too opposed to a central bank and fiat currency for the nation. It is the single most deadly innovation mankind has yet encountered.

Anonymous ID: 8e8d15 July 17, 2021, 2:20 a.m. No.14141481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1491 >>1519


This is a refusal on your part to accept reality. Baby boomers have consistently viewed their children with contempt. They gave up their happy and fun lives of frivolous fucking to raise children who were never grateful for the sacrifice of their pleasure they made in order to deal with responsibility.


While I am coating that with some venom - you and I both know that is precisely the mentality of the baby boomers as a generation. They sold the family farm to go into debt to enjoy beach houses they would never pay off before dying. They entrusted themselves to government care.


The generation that most ridicules the younger generations is the very one which raised them and destroyed their schools.

My father was spit on when he returned from Vietnam. Now, curiously, that same generation couldn't wait to shut down the world over their fears of the boomer remover and praised full totalitarian destruction of their children to secure their peace of mind.


Call me a division shill if you want. However, my generation will have to deal with the fact that our women have been so brain fucked by nonsense that they will be baren before they can get their act together. Millions of my generation will not be able to have families. Period.

Thousands, perhaps millions, of zoomers will be unable to have families after having been chemically castrated as children by people subjected to the rainbow experimentation agenda.

Suddenly, now, "we have control?"

No generation prior had any control or influence over what was going on - how they raised their kids, selected their school boards, conducted their own finances?


My generation volunteered to go to war. My generation, generally, did not spit on the "baby killers." There were a few. My generation has a lot of fucking problems that it will have to address. Some of that, simply, is because if we do not figure it out, civilization will end. There is no one left to pass the buck to.


At the end of the day, the job of a generation is to produce a healthy, successive generation which can survive and reproduce. By that objective measure, the boomers generally failed. They may have held the most capital wealth of any generation, but for all their hippy dippy bullshit of not being materialistic, not even their genes will remain at this rate.

Anonymous ID: 8e8d15 July 17, 2021, 2:27 a.m. No.14141509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1523


The division is in your head.

Anyone who repeats the pattern of behavior as demonstrated by the baby boomer generation will destroy their children and society.


You are simply unable to deal with an objective review of your behavior and performance or accept responsibility for it.

Anonymous ID: 8e8d15 July 17, 2021, 2:33 a.m. No.14141529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1539 >>1549


There really isn't a generation between millennials and boomers. Generation X is pretty much the millennial generation with fewer faggots and older cartoons. Well … Spare for urban millennials…. Those poor bastards….

Anonymous ID: 8e8d15 July 17, 2021, 2:37 a.m. No.14141537   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ego has its role in things. If anything, millennials need a bit more of a healthy one. We grew up trying to become the professionals in the world above us and never realized that half of them started by winging it in the first place. So a lot of millennials are terrified to do anything without being certified they know what the hell they are doing. It has lead to an overly constrained view of one's own role and potential.