Maybe what we need now as a country is
of every town / city / state
The more transparent an official body is
the easier the audit
Learn all about the people you have put in charge
under a system of trust –
A system of trust that can no longer exist.
I would say that NEVER AGAIN
will the people function under the system of trust.
No matter how nobly they speak about "trust in the system"
the fact is that the people should never let go
of their close watch on those they've put in power
Any official position is just an opportunity for tyranny.
Watching them would be for their own good
and for their own protection, as well
They record every interaction with public officials.
Not just police activity either.
They get public statements from officials.
They FOIA documents of local officials
such as their monthly calendars
To see who they are having meetings with.
Some states have "sunshine laws"
that REQUIRE govt officials of any dept of govt
to fulfill document requests ON THE SPOT
without filling out documentation just to request something
Every state should have sunshine laws
just like FLORIDA