I've had the plane dream…there's like ww2 hoards of planes flying over, then over the tree tops you see black smoke from their crashing. I know in my dream they're our military. Before 911 I had a dream I was just walking down a street and debris like the WTC came rolling in a ball down the street I walked. I stood in it til it passed by. This is a recurring dream that bothers me a lot when I wake up.
Another dream I had was one where I was standing in a subway, but not there if it makes sense? Remote viewing in my dream I guess? A gas took over the entire bunch of trains, and people were trapped.
The day before the attack at london bridge happened, where someone was stabbed? I was hiding in my dream and saw it, recall the blood everywhere and even smelled the coppery smell.
Vivid dreams are a son of a gun…