Lin Wood Oh no!
The Big Bad DOJ has declared vaccine mandates are legal!!!
Under the U.S. Constitution, the DOJ is a department of the executive branch of our government which executes valid laws. The executive branch (including the DOJ) does not pass laws. That is the function of the legislative branch. Then there is that unpredictable (these days) judicial branch which determines whether laws are constitutional.
Seems to me the corrupt DOJ is trying to put the cart before a couple of horses.
Of course, the above description of the lawful authority of the 3 branches of federal government only applies if the federal government upholds the U.S. Constitution.
It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out why the Communists/Globalists/Deep State want to overthrow our Constitution, does it?
But beware! One ingenious method for overthrowing our Constitution without saying you are doing so, is to fill positions in ALL 3 branches of government work corrupt Communists, Globalists, or Deep State operatives.
Wrap that package with a Mockingbird propaganda media and you have a revolution and overthrow in disguise. When the “watchdog over government” becomes an arm of those attempting to overthrow the Constitution, WATCH OUT!!!
Sure explains why the 2020 election was rigged, doesn’t it?
Msn DOJ declares vaccine mandates legal
Federal law does not prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring COVID-19 vaccines that are under emergency use authorization, the Department of Justice concluded in an opinion. 00:20