living in a land called black and most of blacks do not know how to act or be productive members of society even one eye can clearly see its a problem yet no one cares to mention
the big ass smelly negroid elephant in the room always complaining about racism or bottle in one hand to the champagning always celebrating some insignificant achievement of no real merit
or intrinsic value. critcally judging another race other than your own and condemning them as inherently evil with no physical evidence of bogus claims
will lead to inevitable conflict as they refuse to acknowledge the truth of reality that that whitey behaves but the negroid constantly disobeys by refusing to assimilate to a desirable member of society.
they wanna moral bio [de]enhance us to be able to do no wrongs only rights and it probably our only hope because i do not have a use for 44 million useless STINKING niggers FUCKA YOU JIGGABOOS!!!!