The Bias News
ABC News: Representative Lauren Boebert throws mask back at a Democratic floor staffer who tried to give her one.
The Bias News
ABC News: Representative Lauren Boebert throws mask back at a Democratic floor staffer who tried to give her one.
It's me
I still donโt know anyone whoโs died from covid, but I do know someone who died, from heart issues, after the second jab.
Why is GOP not stopping Forced vax and masks and lockdowns?
even CDC agreed PCR Test is a Fraud
We were right about Epstein Island.
We were right about the Covid hoax.
We were right about the ineffectiveness of masks.
We were right about the rigged PCR tests.
We were right about the nursing home scandal.
We were right about massively inflated death tolls.
We were right about the origins of Covid.
We were right about Fauci/NIH/CCP/Gain of function.
We were right about attempted vaccine passports.
We were right about the stolen election on 11/3.
We were right about the false flag on 1/6.
We were right about the jabs being poison.
We were right about the jabs being ineffective.
We were right about an attempted Communist takeover.
We were right about the "Great Reset".
Why are we never wrong?
Because the TRUTH is our weapon of choice.
We have no ulterior motives.
We fight for the future of humanity.
We are guided by light, love and righteous indignation.
It's just 15 days
It's just standing 6 feet apart
It's just a mask
It's just a vaccine
It's just a passport
It's justโฆ.
just fake PCR TEST
just blood clots
just election fraud
This 30 seconds of rambling is Joe's way of telling us that a cyber attack is coming and it will lead to kinetic warfare between "major countries".
He didn't put it quite as elegantly as Klaus Schwab, but he tried his best.
"But I think it's more likely we're gonna end up, as we, if we end up in a war, a real shooting war with a major power, it's gonna be as a consequence of a cyber breach of great consequence."
SPOILER ALERT: Joe's in on it.
candaians do as you are told
This was over a year ago
the slave class
How it started and Now
Center for Democratic Control
testing testing test
PCR - Pelosi Test for Fraud and Covid
Is it Kung FLU or China Virus ?
Fauci wrote a paper that 1917 flu deaths caused by bacterial pneumonia wearing a mask