anon are you referencing 11.4 Law of War Manual?
"45 The United States has expressed the view that the definition of the act of aggression in
the Kampala amendments to the Rome Statute does not reflect customary international law.215
Rationales for the Resort to Force. Use of Force in Self-Defense. The right to use force in self-defense is an
inherent right of States.216 Use of Force Authorized by the U.N. Security Council Acting Under
Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. Chapter VII of the Charter of the United
Nations provides that the U.N. Security Council may take such action by air, sea, or land forces
as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace or security, including
demonstrations, blockade, and other military operations.217 Use of Force With the Consent of the Territorial State. Military action in
the territory of another State is not a violation of Article 2(4)’s prohibition against the use of
force against that State where it consents to such military action.218 Humanitarian Intervention. Violations of law of war treaties applicable
to non-international armed conflict generally have not been understood to provide an
independent basis for intervening in a State.219"