Reckon this will be a highly sought out service soon,
i was in senior management for over 30 years, worst people i dealt with were sociopaths, especially those in positions of power.
The best way is to get them to out themselves is to make sure never to give them a stage, keep it brief and to the point, trigger them and then hit them with the rules
Quick story, managed to get rid of one who had been embedded in a company, 10 years he was there making everyone's life a misery and sucking up to the bosses while committing every crime he could possible get away with while skirting the rules.
Got him on camera and audio and also breach of contract for not making tea and not being a team player, repeated events.
The have a massive ego and that is a weakness of theirs.
The fcukwit, all i wanted to do was give him a backhander.