Oh look……………….It's B!!! Aww.
I love that damn picture of Johnny!!!! I think he is getting ready to say………………….kek
Glenn Greenwald may be one of the last, honorable, honest liberals in the entire fucking world. A true journalist. Truth seeker. Always glad when he's on TC.
The left is all about eviscerating the law. So, I think the Border Patrol, ICE and whoever else ought to tell the Biden Administration to go FUCK THEMSELVES and ignore the EO's Xi's man in the WH signed in opening the border. Just tell him to fuck the hell off. We're going to enforce the law and if you don't like it, Move. Get the fuck out of our country.
Nope. Fuck off.
kek. BLM Shirt to boot!!! Thank you Patriot. In her pock marked face!!!
Baker, need to switch the Glenn Greenwald notable and the PF report. Bass Aucking fackwards.
Like the gubnent, I'm here to help. Appreciate you Baking Naker!!!
There, there now. It'll be alright liddle boi. Good Fucking Grief!!!!
Had a Husky once. Lived to be 14 or so. I bet I lost that Dog 300 times over his lifetime. One time for 4 months. He was a "Coverleaf" and was beautiful. He had brown eyes. He was a great Dog. Just liked to break out and run around!!!! kek
Amen. Burn those motherfuckers DOWN!!! Gitmo, Noose. Justice.
Bombardier Dash 8. Forerunner of the Q 400. Passenger model Dash 8 holds 37 people. About 4000k hours in one of those way back when.
And so is this big ass house I'm sitting in.
kek, know those well.
nah, it's just an illusion.
That aircraft. What the fuck is that?
White guilt. Feel guilty they have so much. Perfect examples.
Made me kek. Truth.
"All that is needed for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"-Edmund Burke
Good night faggots.